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宜兴The mountain resort, located in the northern part of the city of Chengde, is the biggest garden of the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty.
In order to consolidate the unity of the country that consists of many ethic groups and pacify the frontier areas, Kang Xi went on many tours of inspection. During these tours, he found that Chengde, with its proximity to the capital city Beijing, was beautiful in scenery and pleasant in climate. So in 1703 he decided to have a summer resort built here. The construction of this project lasted through the two resigns of Kang Xi and Qian Long and was completed after 87 years. Kang Xi and Qian Long spent half a year enjoying the cool and handling government affairs here every year. After Qing Dynasty, the people’s government listed it as one of the major historical monuments under state protection and allocated huge amounts of money to restore it, which made it a resort for tourists from both home and abroad.

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