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ministrant ['min·is·trant || 'mɪnɪstrənt]
n. 服侍者; 协助者
adj. 服务的; 协助的; 服侍的



One hot and sunny afternoon three boys were walking towards the river .They were going there to fish and to swim.On the way they passed by a green field.There was an old wooden fence aroud it.A bull was quietly eating in the field.
ha!ha!look at the lazy old bull!on of the boy shouted.Doesn't he look stupid?another boy laughed.the boys picked up some stones.they threw them at the bull.the bull looked at The boys and went on eating.The boys laughed and walked away.
soon the boys reaches the river.They took off their clothes and jumped into the water.they swam and playd for about an hour.after that they dried themselves in the sun.then they climbed up a tall tree.there were many sweet apples on the tree.they ate a lot of them and also filled their pockets with the fruit.then they started to climb down the tree.
to their burprise,they saw a bull standing near the tree.the bull was very angry.it was the same bull they had seen on the way to ther river.the boys were afraid to come down.it was now their turn to look stupid.
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in class,the teacher spends half an hour telling the students how horrible the hell is.then he asks his students,Who wants to go to the hell?No one puts his or her hand up.the teacher is very happy.the teacher then spends another half an hour telling the students how wonderfull the heaven is .then he askshis students,put your hands up,why don't you want to go to the heaven?
that girl answers,i can't go to any place if i don't do go to any place if i don't do my homework first.my mother tells me i must do the things well at the moment,and then i can enjoy my life later.

本文发布于:2023-12-29 22:22:06,感谢您对本站的认可!



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