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Environmental issues, especially the impact of environment on health is more and more attention of Governments and the public caused widespread concern. Human health is based on the survival of the human environment, only rich in biodiversity, ecosystem stability and harmony, in order to ensure the sustainable development of human health and society, and environmental pollution is enemy of human health. To this generation and future generations can be healthy and happy life to survive to protect and improve the environment, human society has become a very urgent task. So every day we inhale fresh air whether, whether favorable health; why we advocate a low-carbon emission reduction, green living; how do we deal with the impact of environmental pollution on health, these issues, you understand how much life and environment most? a close relationship is life use of the environment in the construction of their own elements. The human body contains a lot of chemical elements. These elements each play different roles, synergies, together to complete the body's metabolism. Some elements in the natural environment is required for the human body, and some non-essential. But the body in any kind of chemical element exceeds a certain standard will result in bodily harm. For example, iron is an element essential, hematopoietic, composed of hemoglobin, passing electrons and oxygen to maintain organ function role, but the body of excess iron intake, it will damage the pancreas and gonads, and even cause heart failure, diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver . There is also a potential lead hazards, with the use of lead mining and gasoline in the environment lead more and more. Lead poisoning can cause shorten the life of the body, causing low mood, fatigue, anemia, and even affect the child's intelligence.

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