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英语不好的话,你下一个出国翻译官APP,google地图(输入中文也能到地方的),弄个马蜂窝APP很多攻略的,记得到酒店拿名片,然后去地图上,大概看看你的地理方位,或给同伴发一个定位,心里要 有个底,然后就好出去玩了,多吃水果 海鲜,超级划算,因为是自由行,不想旅行团带去的都是旅游控价的,基本可以自己发掘一些好玩好吃的地方,海滩,潜泳、跳伞都是不可错过的,其他游乐项目看你去的地点,可以在马蜂窝上看看附近攻略。玩的开心哈~哦对了,泰国是国际惯例有小费的,多准备点20铢的纸币,酒店起床在床头放一张,帮你搬行李给一张,吃饭也是,拍照也一样,不要硬币哦,不礼貌,还有打的,记得一定要打表,打开手机导航,提早跟司机说要转弯的点,因为泰国很多单行线,错过路口要绕很多路才能回来,这些都是容易被宰的地方。其他不要去不三不四的地方,在泰国还是很安全的,也超级好玩,开心哈

去外国旅游的英语小作文怎么写 一小

America travel美国旅行
This summer I and my parents went to the American tour, we went to a lot of city, visited many scenic spots.
The first day, we went to Wall Street, which is one of the world's most bustling place. Visiting the Wall Street, we arrived at the The Empire State Building, the building was the world's tallest building, now the The Empire State Building is an office building, I really want to work after the building.
After the New York of the hotel to rest a few days, we went to the city of San francisco. One went to San Francisco, can feel this city and New York style is not the same, although here is also very busy, but here is a traditional style. Here in San Francisco and one of the most famous buildings, is a bridge, we can often see in movies this bridge. This bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge, a few of us rented a car to walk from the bridge, suddenly there is a feeling in his America tracts. Then we went to the wild animal park, here to see a lot of USA unique animal.

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