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1. Ancient Cultural Street
The 580-metre-long Ancient Cultural Street is a major tourist destination where Tianjin's old traditions remain largely intact. Imitation Qing buildings, which house nearly 100 shops are scattered along the street with the Tianhou Temple in the center. Built in 1320 during the Yuan, the Tianhou (Heavenly Queen) Temple, also known as Temple of the Patron Goddess, is one of many temples established in China's coastal areas in honour of the mythological angel known more popularly as Mazu. Grand sacrificial ceremonies were held in the temple on Mazu's birthday, which fell on the 23rd day of the 3rd lunar month. Today the temple has been converted into the Tianjin Folklore Museum.
2. Tianjin Ancient Culture Street with 600 years history, standing in the area of key section in upstream of the Haihe River, is located in Nankai district of Tianjin. Covering an
area of 224,200 sq meters, it used to be one of earliest water transport docklands in Tianjin where is one of the busiest cities of commerce and trade in history. As a cultural precinct, Tianjin Ancient Culture Street is well known by the local and overseas tourists. The two attractions, Yuan Huang Ge and Tian Hou Temple are two historic cultural relics in the list of city level ones reversed.
Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street rebuilt in 1980's is one of the great successes in the renovation and redevelopment. The whole block is still conserved the existing urban pattern and tissue of traditional Chinese layout. The lanes and houses in the Street are almost preserved in a good condition with Tianjin local feathers. In past time, whenever the day of 23th of March in lunar calendar was coming, a great ceremony would be held here, which it is said that it is the birthday of heaven Mother. On the ceremony, many Chinese traditional performances would be seen, such as Shiziwu (dancing play as a lion), Huahanchuan (dancing with a ship 杔ike dressing), Caigaoqiao (dancing standing on a high stick) and so on.
As the result of expanding Tian Hou Temple, renovating Yu Huang Ge building and renewing the Haihe Lou, this street with fine landscape and distinctive architectural style has been a flourish, cultural and tourist area. The new planning and design for the Street had paid more attention to the waterfront and connecting with surrounding around, especially the Old City in the west.
3. The street, formerly a place for the assembly and entertainment of boatmen, was rebuilt into the present state in 1986. It is located on the western side of the Sanchahe River and is 580 meters long, containing ancient-style giant archways towering at each end. Along the street, there are nearly one hundred shops selling various kinds of stationery, second-hand books, articles of folk customs, handicrafts of traditional characteristics of Tianjin, and so on. In addition, there stands one of the three major temples to Matsu in which there is a museum of folk custom.
4. Ancient Culture Street is in the north of the city and is actually a series of streets, built in typical Tianjin style featuring Qing style architecture. The shops are decorated with wat
ercolor paintings and carved bricks. There are plenty of traditional Chinese items on sale here such as calligraphy brushes, handicrafts, kites and fine art work.
The Tianhougong (Heavenly Empress) Temple is close to Ancient Culture Street and was originally a temple built during the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368). It has now been rebuilt and houses a museum of Tianjin folklore. Performances by folk artists and traditional opera singers are often staged on the square or in the theater in front of the Temple.
The Confucius Temple was built during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) and is also located close to the Ancient Culture Street
石家大院  Shi Family Grand Courtyard
It is situated in Yangliuqing Town of Xiqing District, which is the former residence of Shi Yuanshi-the 4th son of Shi Wan cheng, one of the eight great masters in Tianjin. First built in 1875, it covers over 6,000 square meters, including large and small yards and over 200 folk houses. Shifu Garden, which finished its expansion in October 2003, covers
1,200 square meters, incorporates the elegance of imperial garden and delicacy of south garden. Now the courtyard of Shi family covers about 10,000 square meters, which is called the first mansion in North China. Now it serves as the folk custom museum in Yangliuqing, which has a large collection of folk custom museum in Yanliuqing, which has a large collection of folk art pieces like Yanliuqing New Year pictures, brick sculpture.
杨柳青年画  Yangliuqing Folk Painting
It is one of the three famous New Year Pictures in China, which first appeared in Yangliuqing Town, west suburb of Tianjin in 17th century. Yangliuqing New Year Picture combines the methods of woodcarving and manual color drawing characters. Yangliuqing New Year Picture takes as the raw materials the daily life, folk custom and history stories processed either directly or indirectly, which is a popular folk art widely accepted by many people. Yangliuqing New Year pictures are characterised by their combination of block print and coloured hand drawing. The painting tradition passed down from the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties, and the integration of techniques of Gongbi figur
e paintings (gongbi is a traditional Chinese realistic painting characterised by fine brushwork and close attention to detail) into the folk New Year pictures enabled an organic combination of wood engraving with hand painting.

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