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摘    要
B/S结构的酒店管理系统共实现了8个主要的功能模块:用户信息维护、房间信息维护、房间类型的管理、营业情况统计、个人密码修改、退房、预订房八个部分。这些功能模块基本上满足了客人在酒店预订、入住管理等方面的需求。该系统采用应用开发技术,具有一些预订客房,查询,退房等功能,尤其依靠SQL Server 2005的优点来为酒店更好的进行管理,稳定性,可扩展性,安全性,健壮性,都是该酒店管理的优势所在.
  关键词    酒店管理系统/asp。net/SQL Server 2005 
HOTLE MANAGEMENT system design and Implementation
    With the rapid development of computer network, Internet is more and more extensive application, the network coverage area to expand ceaselessly, computer applications to the hotel industry has brought great development opportunity. The use of new computer network and management system, hotel management will be to increase efficiency, improve the standard of service is one of the important means。 So the Urban Inn occupancy hotel information management system is an indispensable business tool for the modern。
    B / S structure of the hotel management system to achieve8 major functional modules: user information maintenance, information maintenance room, room type management, business statistics, personal password modification, check out, booking eight parts。 These modules basically meet the needs of the guests in the hotel, information management system。 The system uses a asp。net application development technology, with some reservation, query, check-out and function, especially on C # adv
antages for hotel and better management, stability, scalability, security, robustness, is the hotel management advantage.
KEY WORDS    hotel management system,,SQL Server 2005

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标签:酒店   管理   预订   应用   管理系统   入住   房间
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