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We went to the Liberation Monument in Chongqing. The monument is as high as a giant standing between skyscrapers, and there is a seed and a small flag on the ground. Then, we took the light rail to the opposite side of the Yangtze River cableway. The light rail is all over Chongqing, and some light rails pass through buildings. Therefore, I was very puzzled, so I asked my mother: "will the light rail pass through buildings and will not affect residents?" Mother said, "the light rail is silent." We turned to line 1 and line 2 and finally reached the Yangtze River cableway. We made a good strategy in advance and took a shortcut, so we didn't have to queue up and saved a lot of time. When I stand in the 100 meter high cableway on the Yangtze River, I feel that the Yangtze River is at a glance and boundless. This is a shopping paradise for all Chongqing people. Around the Liberation Monument, there are: heavy 100. This is the new century. Maoye department store and so on. When the new year comes, the goods in the shopping mall are all kinds of things, and they are good and cheap. People rush to buy them. In addition to these popular goods, another high-end commodity in Chongqing is called Meimei department store. It is said that
an ordinary dress there costs several thousand yuan. Do you think it is expensive? Under each shopping mall, there is a supermarket. There are food and commodities in the supermarket. People come and go here every day. People buy necessities here. Half of the goods here are people. Jiefangbei is a gourmet paradise. People can taste delicious food from all over China, such as Cantonese food, Sichuan food, and so on. In addition, there is a specialty of Chongqing: hot pot. When night falls, the streets and alleys are full of "delicious dogs" who eat delicious food. The fragrance wafts from all directions and makes you drool. My favorite food in Jiefangbei is hot and sour noodles. It makes your mouth water when you smell it. Jiefang monument is full of high-rise buildings, with the highest of more than 70 floors. All I know are high-rise buildings: Xingli. New York New York. Shimao tower and so on. Stand under the tall building and look up. Ah! The houses are all in the clouds! I can only see the blue sky in the sky.

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