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    :     王伟健 
    :     2000   
    :        1880008   
答辩日期:      2003   
关键词: 上海住宅  装修发展  策略研究
Shanghai is an international metropolis and a famous cultural city within historical contest
in our country Following china’s entering WTOa lot of foreign designees working enterprises project undertakers and package dealers specialized for housing decoration with famous brands will come into our country They’re advanced marketing concept competition ability scientific management rational organization perfect technology marketing operation mechanism are challenges to cosmetic housing decoration professionals Their high class prefabricates part production factory working and assembly in duster pattern are schlock to domestic housing decoration market But it offers a stimulant and an opportunity to development and reform of housing decoration enterprises in shanghai
Facing new situation the decision makers of housing decoration companies should make a system appraisal with SWOT analysis method after an investigation in actualities of housing decoration in shanghai While pondering over various factors which play effects upon companies from inside and outside they should determine market positions for their companies and select an optimal strategy for business in market
Following perfecting of social ion market economy and integration of world economy small individual business is reactions against large social industry patterns in housing decoration trade波多黎各和美国的关系 The contradiction brings not only natural risks but also big market risk to dealers from small enterprises of housing decoration because they are lack of marketing ability in front of acute competition of business and rapid change of demands
The Author thinks that middle and small enterprise dealers should adjust their market strategy with multi_policies look for their opportunity of long-term development in multi-scopes of business with advantages of differential and flexible patterns and rely on their individual strength management concept human resource and quality control system for design and work to keep their market position
According to features of middle and small enterprises of housing decoration in shanghai Municipality the author makes a proposal on strategy for position and developing shanghai Housing Decoration Industry It covers integration innovation effective refor
m苏州东山一日游, trade industrialization and brand forging Aiming at establishment of industrial park and cultivation of reputed enterprise it encourages initiative in housing decoration market opening with legal consciousness so as to upgrade Shanghai Housing Decoration Industry
Key words:  Shanghai Housing    Decoration Development
Strategy Research and study
目  录
一、绪论                                                    1
二、上海住宅装修的基本现状                                  2
(一)上海住宅装修的演变过程和现状                          2
(二)本市存量和增量房产的基本情                            2
(三)住宅装修类型及总量分析                                2
(四)住宅装修队伍及管理现状剖析                            3
(五)国外住宅装修业的调研与借鉴                            3
三、住宅装修的态势与存在的问题株洲市地图                              唐山旅游攻略自助游4
(一)城市住宅建设与市民生活质量的需求                      4
(二)住宅装修市场与行业发展的相关因素                      5
(三)住宅装修存在的主要问题和面临的挑战                    6
可可托海的牧羊人原唱完整版四、住宅装修发展的趋势与对策                              6
(一)住宅装修产业的定位与特点                                    6
(二)住宅装修业的发展趋势                                  7
(三)住宅装修业市场拓展的基础条件                          7
(四)上海住宅装修产业持继发展的策略                        9

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标签:住宅   装修   发展
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