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1.He is now a regular donor who was inspired as a small child, _____ his mother when she donated blood.
A.accompanying    B.accompanied    C.to accompany    D.to be accompanied
2._______a striking look with a sea of lavender flowers, Guli has become a famous attraction in Nanjing.
A.Wearing    B.To wear
C.To be wearing    D.Having won
三亚大小洞天景区介绍及图片3.The president promised to keep all the board members _____ of how the negotiations were going on
A.inform    B.informing
C.be informed    D.informed
4.It is easy ________ the consequences of unchecked plant disease: food shortage could kill millions of people and cause unrest in the world.
A.imagine    B.to be imagined    C.imagining    D.to imagine
5.Employees might feel unsafe in the current jobs, thus ________ an eye on what is new in the job market is of great importance to them.
A.keep    B.keeping    C.being kept    D.to be kept
6.After a long journey across the whole of Europe from north to south, they found themselves _________out as well as their clothes.
A.wear    B.wore    C.wearing    D.worn
7.厦门天竺山森林公园门票多少钱Some people are skeptical about the internet, ________ that surfing the Internet is a waste of time.
A.claimed    B.claiming    C.to claim    D.having claimed
8.Last night, there were millions of people ______________ the opening ceremony live on TV.
A.watch    B.to watch
C.watched    D.watching
9.孤山寺北贾亭西全诗Visitors are not permitted ________ the park after dark, because of the lack of lighting.
A.entering    B.entering in
C.to enter in    D.to enter
10.In America, since everyone is staying at home from work and school, the streets are always flooded with walkers, Joggers and bike-riders _______fresh air.
A.seeking    B.sought    C.seek    D.to be sought
11.— What do you think made Mary so excited?
        the annular solar eclipse(日环食).
A.As she watched    B.Watched
C.Watching    D.Because of watching
12.The long-lasting war, filled with blood and deaths, ended in people’s sadness, _______no result.
A.reached    B.to reach
C.would reach    D.reaching
13._______as a great discoverer, he has made a good number of experiments on the mice.
A.To honor    B.To be honored    C.Honoring    D.Having honored
14.Time should be made good use________our lessons well.
A.of learning    B.to learn    C.to learning    D.of to learn
15.He went out of the room with few clothes on, only        rather cold.
A.to feel    B.feel    C.feeling    D.felt
16.The boss __________ during working hours and all the workers __________ in that company.
A.forbids smoking; are forbidden to smoke    B.forbids to smoke; are forbidden to smoke
C.forbids smoking; forbid from smoking    D.forbids to smoke; are forbidden from smoking
17.Accustomed to __________ the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.
A.climbing    B.climb    C.蓝月谷在哪里having climbed    D.have climbed
18.6.I don’t like the newspaper __________ people’s love of scandal(丑行)
A.catering to    B.catered to    C.fitting in    D.fitted in
19.There were over 20000 people____________ my blog.
A.read    B.reading    C.to read    D.being read
20.I assisted him to check all the story books ____ to the Hongshan Primary School next week.
A.sent    B.sending    C.to be sent    D.being sent
21.The floods, which happened last month, swept the whole village, __________ countless people homeless.
A.to make    B.making    C.made    D.have made
22.The manager insisted on _________ on time.
A.his finishing the task    B.he finishing the task
C.him to finish the task    D.him finish the task
23.It rained heavily in the south, _________ serious flooding in several provinces.
A.caused    B.causing    C.having caused    D.to cause
24.Since this accident has nothing to do with him, he seems no way ______.
A.to be blamed    B.to blame
C.blamed for    D.to blame for
25.There is a lot of poisonous gases in the hall. If ____in, they can result in illness and  even death.
A.breathed    B.breathing    C.to be breathed    D.breathe
考查非谓语动词。句意:现在他是一个定期捐赠者,小时候妈妈去献血他就陪着,所以从小就受到了启发。分析句子可知,此处应用非谓语动词作状语,逻辑主语heaccompany云南丽江古城简介之间是主动关系,应用现在分词,to accompany虽然也表主动,但此处不表将来或目的,故选A项。
试题分析:考查过去分词作表语。过去分词可以在句中作表语,此句keep someone informed就是表示使某人被告知。句意:总统承诺要让所有董事会成员了解谈判的进展,故选D

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