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黄山导游词结束语10篇(实用) 热度: 2022导游词欢迎词_景点解说词 热度: 长春伪满皇宫导游词_伪满皇宫解说词 热度: 导游词欢迎词范文10篇 热度: 导游欢迎词范文(通用20篇) 热度:
2021铁路招聘正式工Qijiang Park is the former site of Yuezhong shipyard. Up to now, there are still a lot of shipbuilding plants and equipment left in the yard. Yuezhong shipyard has experienced the arduous and special historical vicissitudes in the process of new China's industrialization, and the arduous entrepreneurial process of a particular era and generation, which has been
precipitated into a real and precious urban memory. You see, the middle-aged and old people who stop in front of the old factories, equipment and trees in the park are reluctant to leave for a long time. Maybe it is the docks, workshops, lighthouses and gantry cranes that once familiar to them that make them feel friendly and arouse their memories of the past It is one of the important factors for the success of Qijiang Park that people can feel the charm of Zhongshan Regional culture which is different from other cities.
The integration of historical features and modernity is another feature of Qijiang Park. The park forms a skeleton with original trees and some factory buildings, and is organized with the unique elements of the original shipyard, such as railway tracks, iron boats, lighthouses, etc., reflecting the historical characteristics. At the same time, some pieces and sculptures are constructed with new technology, new materials and new technology, such as lone chimney shadow, bare steel water tower and pole column array, forming a contrast between the new and the old, and the interweaving of history and reality. Taking the design of park road network as an example, the road network is composed of several groups of radioactive roads, which is not only different from the curv
e road network of traditional Chinese gardens, but also different from the regular geometry of Western gardens. It can be seen that the design of the park is both innovative and connotative, reflecting the history of Zhongshan's industrialization process and the characteristics of modern society, so that the park fully embodies its own unique personality.
Hydrophilic, ecological protection is the third feature of Qijiang Park. The design of the park retains the big trees in the original shipyard along the Qijiang River, protects the original ecology, adopts the way of Green Island, and meets the requirements of the water section of the Qijiang River by the way of river in the river, which not only meets the requirements of water conservancy, but also adds a scene to the park - Gurong new island. The park also deals with the relationship between the inner lake and the outer river and introduces the scenery of Qijiang River into the park. What is particularly praiseworthy is that there is no fence in the park, and streams are skillfully used to define the park, so that the park and its surroundings are connected harmoniously. Hydrophilic is human nature, the design of this water flow is to let people enjoy the human nature.
Qijiang Park is a theme park reconstructed from the former site of Yuezhong shipyard in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. It introduces some design concepts of Western environmentalism, ecological restoration and urban renewal. It is a successful example of the protection and reuse of the old industrial site. The park was completed in October 2001 and won the annual honorary design award of the American Association of landscape architects, the 2003 China Architectural Art Award, the gold award of the 10th National Art Exhibition in 2004 and the comprehensive Gold Award of Chinese modern excellent national architecture at the end of 2002. In 2009, with its unique design, Qijiang Park won the 2009 Uli Global Excellence Award from San Francisco.
Some of the main landscapes, installations and buildings in Qijiang Park include amber water tower, skeleton water tower, red memory, Zhongshan Art Museum, etc.
Amber water tower is located on Rongshu island on the edge of Qijiang river. It is made of a 50-60-year-old water tower covered with a glass shell with a metal frame. The design
er thinks that the water tower is like an ancient century insect solidified in amber, so it is named amber water tower. The luminescent body on the top of the water tower will emit light at night after receiving the solar energy. The light water tower not only forms a scene of Qijiang river at night, but also plays the role of pilotage.
Skeleton water tower is another water tower located in the middle of the park. The original design is to peel off the cement of an old water tower and leave the remaining steel bars in the original place. The designer thinks that it is just like that people in the world, whether men or women, high or low, will eventually belong to a pair of white bones. However, due to the safety problems of the original water tower structure, the original design could not be successfully dealt with, and finally it was made of steel according to the original size.

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