人教八年级下册Unit7 SectionA单词详解

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湖北旅游年卡Unit 7  What’s the highest mountain in the world?
Section A    单词详解
1. square   adj. 平方的;正方形的; “平方米的” , 用于数字后表面积。
an area of 95 square meters      95平方米的面积
Qomolangma is about 9600000 square kilometers in size.
n  正方形;广场
Many old people like dancing on the square after supper.
2.meter (英式英语) 用作可数名词,意为“米;公尺”,也可写为metre.
It’s about 1000 meters from my home to school.
3. deep 用作形容词,意为“深的,纵深的”。
take a deep breath. 深呼吸
(1) “基数词 + 单位名词+ 形容词(long, wide, tall, deep等)”。
单位词有: meter; inch; kilogram 等
    Yao Ming is over 2 meters tall.
吐鲁番火焰山简介    The river is 50 meters wide.
(2) “基数词+ 单位名词+ in + 名词(length; width; height; depth等)
      two meters long = two meters in length 2米长
      three feet high = two feet in height. 3英尺高
(3) 长、宽、高、深还可用复合形容词表示
    “数字+ 量词(单位)+形容词(long/ wide/ tall/ deep等)” .
He is a 1.91-meter-tall- basketball player.
adj → n deep →  depth  long → length    high→ height  wide →width
4 . desert n. 沙漠;荒地     adj. 沙漠的;荒芜的,不毛的;无人的
From a height, the area looks like a desert.
5.  population 人口;人口数量
The population is increasing faster and faster.
    Three quarters of the population are workers.
  表示人口的\"多\"或\"少\"时, 用"large"或"small"
The population of China is very large. 中国人口众多
询问某国、某地有多少人口时, 用"?"/“ What is the population of …?”
How large is the population of your hometown? 
你们家乡有多少人口? 2023年乌镇免门票吗
What is the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口有多少?
表示 “某地有多少人口” 时,常用 “…    has a population of …” 句型
    India has a population of more than one billion..
6. Asia英 [ˈeɪʃn] 
China is almost as big as the US, and it is the biggest country in Aisa.
7. feel free 意为可以随便做某事,其后可接动词不定式
Feel free to eat dinner here anytime.普陀山一日游最佳路线图你随时都可以来这里吃饭。
Feel free to ask me anything on today’s Great Wall tour.
河源网红景点8.tour n.旅行 tourist n 旅游者→ touristy adj. 游客很多的.
tour guide  导游
travel v 旅行 → traveller n 旅游者→ travelling adj. 旅行的
travel to …  到……旅行  travel all over the world. 周游世界
a tour of /around意为“……的旅行”
a 10-day tour of China  中国十日游
We are planning a tour around the world.我们正计划一次环球旅行。
We are touring around Hong Kong for our holidays this year.
Every year lots of tourists come to the beautiful place.
【辨析】tour/ trip/ travel/ journey
travel    一般指长途旅行,到国外或远方旅行。travel 还可作动词
tour    “旅行,周游,观光” .一般团队都是tour
trip    一般指短距离旅行,直达目的地的旅行
journey    有时并不指真正意义的“旅行”, 而只是表示走过一段距离。
观光游玩用tour ,长途陆路用journey, 短途短期用trip,
travel 用法最普遍,特别用于指“游记”
9. wall 可数名词,墙
the Great Wall长城
How long is the Great Wall长城有多长?
The window is in the wall.
The picture is on the wall.
10. amazing adj. 惊人的,令人吃惊的,常用来说明事物具有的特征,其主语或所修饰的名词通常是事物。
其动词形式,amaze, 意为“使吃惊;使惊奇”
This is an amazing story.这是一个令人惊奇的故事。
He was amazed at the news.   他对这个消息感到吃惊。
This is an ancient invitation. 这是一项古老的发明。
12.protect 及物动词 “保护”  We should protect children.
protect sb./ sth from/against… 保护某人/ 某物使其不受……
Protect your eyes from the sun. 不要让阳光伤害你的眼睛。
The hat will give protection against the sun.这项这顶帽子可遮阳。
13.wide  adj. 宽的;普遍的;广阔的;张大的,开得很大的
They came to a wide river.他们来到了一条宽阔的河边。
The river is 50 meters wide.
14.as far as I know据我所知
  as far as “就......来说,至于......” , 引导状语从句,强调范围或程度,常与动词know, see,等连用,可放在句首或句中。
as far as I can remember 据我所记得的
as far as I can see 依我所见
As far as I know , the tower was taken down last month.
15.man-made 是一个合成形容词,意为“人造的”
Many countries have set up my man-made satellites into space.
home-made家庭制作的 machine-made作的机制等
16.achieve v 获得;达到; 实现  → achievement n 完成; 成绩
achieve one’s dream = one’s dream comes true实现某人的梦想
The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.
这些登山者的精神告诉我们, 我们应该从不放弃实现自己的梦想。
achieve    是    主语一般为“人”
come true    否    主语一般是“梦想;理想”
We want to see young people achieve their dreams.

本文发布于:2023-05-26 12:08:34,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:名词   旅行   形容词   动词
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