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    1. Passage 1
    Dear Alice,
去瑞士旅游签证好办吗    How are you? I'm in New York now. I arrived yesterday. The city is so exciting. I'm staying in a hotel near Times Square. This morning, I visited the Statue of Liberty. It was amazing. I took lots of photos. Tomorrow, I'm going to the Empire State Building. I can't wait!武汉自驾游去哪里比较好
    Best regards,
1. Where is John now?
2. What did he do this morning?
3. What is he going to do tomorrow?
美国俄亥俄州立大学    Answers:
1. John is in New York.
2. He visited the Statue of Liberty.
3. He is going to the Empire State Building tomorrow.
    2. Passage 2山西省招生考试网
    Winter is a great time of year. When it snows, everything looks beautiful. The trees, roads, and houses are covered in white. Children love playing in the snow. They make snowmen and have snowball fights. Some people ski or snowboard on the slopes. Winter is also a time for holidays like Christmas and New Year's Eve. People decorate their homes and give gifts to their loved ones. Winter is definitely a wonderful season.
欢乐水魔方水上乐园1. What makes everything look beautiful in winter?
2. What do children love doing in the snow?
3. What holidays are celebrated in winter?
1. When it snows, everything looks beautiful.
2. Children love making snowmen and having snowball fights.
3. Christmas and New Year's Eve are celebrated in winter.
    3. Passage 3
    My favorite hobby is reading. I love going to the library and finding new books to read. I enjoy exploring different genres like science fiction, mystery, and romance. Reading takes me to different worlds and introduces me to interesting characters. Sometimes, I get so in
to a book that I lose track of time. It's a great way to escape reality and relax. Reading is definitely the best hobby for me.
1. What is the author's favorite hobby?
2. Where does the author go to find new books?
3. Why does the author enjoy reading?
1. The author's favorite hobby is reading.
宿迁天气预报15天2. The author goes to the library to find new books.
3. The author enjoys reading because it takes them to different worlds and introduces them to interesting characters, and is a great way to escape reality and relax.

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