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Zhang Bei Grassland travel essay笔架山风景区介绍
去涠洲岛的攻略In order to feel the fascinating grassland written by Lao She, my parents and I set foot on the journey of Zhangbei grassland this summer. Along the way my heart was full of all kinds of imagination and expectation, if only it could be as beautiful as Lao She described! And I fell asleep!
西郊动物园门票多少钱When I woke up in the morning, the boundless grassland came into view, AND I sat up excitedly. A: wow! Hill after hill, sheep and horses, now up, now down, they are so carefree; Go to where all like to the boundless green carpet embroidered on the white big flower, everywhere emerald green desire to flow, gently into the clouds.圆明园的历史背景
Our first stop was the Grassland Sky Road, known as China's Route 66. Looking ahead, a huge snake straight through the sky, is really a strange scenery. The car drove on the road in the sky, from time to time to fly a few butterflies, as if to welcome our arrival. Although it w
as raining, it did not dampen my spirits at all; Although there is no blue sky and white clouds, the rare sea of clouds can also be a feast for the eyes. It was cold on the prairie, and I was shivering with my coat, so my mother bought me a shawl and a cowboy hat to put on my head, which was absolutely cool.
The second stop is zhongdu Grassland. The difference between Zhongdu grassland and other grasslands is that there are yurts everywhere and the grass is more lush. Under the breeze, I find the feeling of cattle and sheep under the wind blowing grass. The performance in the evening was even more eye-opening. I was deeply impressed by the warriors galloping on their horses and the shocking performance of beating iron flowers.
The grassland is really a beautiful and rich heaven, I love the vast grassland, I love the green grassland flow, I yearn for the leisurely on the grassland.

本文发布于:2023-06-06 05:46:28,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:海南   风景区   草原   门票   圆明园
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