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The zhalong Natural Reserve
Zhalong Wetland lies to the southeast of Qiqihar city.The distance between them is about 26km. Zhalong Wetland's geographical position is 46° 48'~47° 31.5' north latitude, 123° 51.
5' —124° 37.5'east longitude, and its total area is 2100km~2.Zhalong Wetland is one of the earliest wetlands listed to in the international important wetland register, It's also a extremely important home for Red-crowned crane.
Zhalong is a tamous reserve for protecting rare birds. It\s situated 30 kilometers away southeast of Qigihar, the total area is 210,000 hectares. There are a lot marsh, rivers and lakes. Reeds and grasses grow tall, so it\s a paradise for waterfowl. There are 296 species of birds here according to investigation. There are 15 species of cranes in the sorld. There are 9 species in China, but in this reserve we can see 6species(red crowned, white naped, demoiselle common, siberian and hooded cranes) So Qigihar is honoured as \"Grane City\".With the broad area, primitive envioroment, so many birds, convinient communication make it a well—known tourist attraction and a scientific research center. as well. The best season for watching birds is from May to July. Even in winter you can see crane —training in the snow.
Wudalianchi National Forest Park (五大连池国家森林公园)
Wudalianchi Geopark is located in Heilongjiang Province, China, which covers an area of 720km2 with volcanic geological landforms as its main types of geological heritages.
Wudaliangchi volcanoes are the best preserved, the most typical recent volcanic cluster in China. 14 volcanoes are regularly distributed in the geopark, of which 12 volcanoes erupted 12-1Ma ago; 2 erupted between 1719 and 1721, which cover an area of more than 60km2, and are the latest volcanoes in China. These old and new volcanoes are collocated alternately. Relatively small-scale cinder cones and shield-shaped volcanoes lean upon the relatively large-scale table-like volcanos. The geopark has every volcanic landscape that one expects to find, such as basin-like crater, round chair-like crater, funnel-shape crater, caldera, compound crater, etc. The convolute lava and incrusted lava formed by the recent volcanic eruption occur alternatively. Numerous large-scale and will-preserved exhalative cones and dishes are seldom seen in the world. The lastest volcanic eruption blocked an river channels existing at that time, forming 5 lakes spreadin
g in the form of a string of beads—Wudalianchi, which enjoys the good reputation of the "Natural Volcano Museum".
The lava of the volcanoes in Wudalianchi volcano cluster are composed basically with same components, that is why we generally call the K-enriched alkaline basic and intermediate-basic lava "Shilong Roch". Wudalianchi is located at the axes of the Eastern Asian continental rift system. It was formed probably by upwelling of mantle plume caused by rifting. Therefore, Wudalianchi volcanic rock is of important significance for studying plate movement and magmatic evolution and is very important for detecting the local volcanic and earthquake activities.
In Liao and Jin dynasties there were no residents lived in Wudalianchi area. With the eruption of 2 new volcanoes, the formation of volcanic lakes linking up each other and the exposure of mineral springs with magical curative effects, Daur ethnic nomads first settled here, and then a lot of the Han people came to reclaim the virgin soil, lived and multiplied on this land, thus gradually forming the special national culture and folkways of the people in Wudalianchi and the minorities nearby.
With its fresh air, quiet and tasteful environment and beautiful scenery of mountains silhouetted in the lakes, the geopark has become a rare fabulous scenic spot for scientific tourism, vacationing and convalescence. Here has peculiar volcanic scenes, plenty and complete volcanic landforms and mineral springs with particular curative effects, and is an integrated famous natural scenic spot with multiple functions such as tourism and sightseeing, convalescence and recreation, and scientific investigation.
Yabuli Ski Resort is the largest ski resort in China with the best facilities and it is the main training base for the Chinese ski team.
Yabuli's winter weather and large amount of snowfall has resulted in the best snow quality in China. The lowest temperature in winter is 44 degrees below zero and the average temperature is 10 degrees below zero. The average snowfall is 20-50cm at lower part of the mountain, 100cm at the top of the mountain. Ski season in Yabuli begins from the middle of November and ends in late March.
06年真龙吃人照片被游客公开杭州西湖十景高清图片Yabuli has varied terrain for skiers of every level. There are 11 primary, intermediate and advanced ski runs. The 500-meter-long beginner trails are creatively designed with technical aids available enabling first timers to have their first try and other beginners to progress. The advanced trail 3080 meters in length set 1374 meters above sea level with the vertical drop of 804 meters that will give expert skiers the challenge they are looking for. The alpine ski run here is the longest in Asia. The 5-kilometer-long cross country runs through the dense forests will allow you to take in the unique scenery.长沙的旅游攻略
Yabuli International Ski Resort has 9 lifts covering the whole ski area with a transferring capacity of 1500 person per hour. No waiting is guaranteed. The rise up to the mountain summit commands spectacular view of the snow-blanketed forests, spaced ski terrain and colorful skiers.

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