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济南旅游必去景点Royal Tombs of the Northern Song Dynasty,Gongyi
  海驴岛图片    It is the biggest royal tomb group in centural China.It is located in Gongyi City,70kms west of Zhengzhou .From 960AD on,9kings and 8 emperors of the northern Song Dynasty were buried here.There are 8 emperorsi tombs and a lot of stone figures and animals .It is a state-level historical and cultural site.
Grand Xianghuo Monastery,Kaifeng三清山旅游线路
Located in the center of Kaifeng, Grand Xiangguo Monastery,a famous Buddhist temple complex was built in the 6th year of Tianbao of the Northern Qi Dynasty(550-557).During the Northern Song Dynasty,the Monastry was the center of Buddhism in China.Now,there exists the Heavenly King Hall,Main Hall,the Octagonal Glazed Tile Hall,the Buddhist Scripture Tower and the 1000-eye and 1000-hand Buddha Hall.
The Millennium City ,Kaifeng
        The long scroll of “river sightseeing on Qingming festival”is located northwest of Kaifeng based on painting by Zhang Zeduan, the painter of the northern Song Dynasty (960-1127),which illustrated the
prosperous scene of Kaifeng as shown in the scroll. It is a large part with folkways as the
main topic.
Baozheng’s Memorial Hall,Kaifeng
        Located on the bank of Bao Zheng lake of Kaifeng ,the hall was built on the original site of “Kaifeng Court”of the northern Song Dynasty to commemorate Bao Zheng,the upright official of the Song Dynasty (960-1127).The main buildings are the grand hall,second hall,eastern halls and gate tower.There displayed Bao Zheng’s bronze statue and the wax statue showing how he settled the lawsuits.
Yellow River Xiaolangdi Scenic Spot
        It is located at the juncture of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River,30Km to the southwest of Jinan city. The project is world well known for its hugeness.Water current of the river is cut off and level of water is raised ,which has formed a scenic spot with both hills and lakes and Yellow River culture.
Songshan National Forest Park,Dengfeng
        The park consists of Mt.Taishi and Mt.Shaoshi,extending 60km from east to west .Beautiful scenes of peaks ,valleys,caves,waterfalls, springs,forest.It is a state-level sceni
c area.
Neixiang country yamen
      The yamen was built in 1304 at the West End of East Avenue.After several times’ repairs,there exist 117 rooms .In 1984,it was approved to be the first county-level museum in our county.
Wuhou Temple,Nanyang
        The temple was built on Wolong hillock southwest of Nanyang City.It was said that ZhuGeliang had ever farmed here.The story of Liu Bei visited here three times to invite Zhuge Liang also resided there.The temple was built in the Tang and Song Dynasty(618-1279)in memory of ZhuGeliang.There are over 300 stone tablets at the temple site.
Baiyunshan National Forest Park ,Luoyang
The park is located 88kms south of Luoyang.It is a natural virgin forest with highly standing hills .There are 37 peaks with 1500 ms above sea level ,appearing indistinctly In the mist. It is regarded as the fairland in mortal world.
Yuntaishan Scenic Spot Area,Jiaozuo
        The area, Located at Xiuwu county of Jiaozuo, covers an areof 55 square kms with 8 scenic spots. There are over 36 peaks,10 natural
caves and countless springs and waterfalls. The Yuntai waterfall has a drop of 314 meters,whith is the biggest in China.
附近小旅馆住宿20元Huaiyuan Tourist Area in Tongbo,Nanyang
南阳 桐淮源旅游区
        It is located in Tongbo County, Nanyang City. There are many natural scenery sites
here with green hills,clean waters and dense forest.There are more than 118 scenery sites,such as,the highest peak in southern Henna三亚亚龙湾人间天堂 province, the Taibo peak, the Shuilian Temple which is one of the four biggest temples in Henan, ten thousand hectares of red leavies and Huaiyuan site, Also there are dozens of key state protection animals and plants, such as, leopard, golden eagle, rubiaceae, gingko tree ect.

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