【精品】五年级下册英语Module2 work and play 提高测试卷 牛津上海版(三起)(含答案)

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Module2 提高测试卷
一、Listen and choose.录音选出听到的内容。
(  ) 1. A. different        B. difficult        C. difference
(  ) 2. A. row        B. low        C. grow
(  ) 3. A. wonderful places       
    B. wonderful beaches   
    C. wonderful books
(  ) 4. A. tastes great        B. smells good          C. tastes nice
(  ) 5. A. How long will you stay in this city, Mrs Smith?
    B. How long will you talk on the computer, Sally?
    C. How long will you do your exercises, Mrs Sun?
(  ) 6. A. They’ll go to the hotel and have a bath first.
    B. We’ll go to the restaurant and have seafood.
    C. We’ll go to the beach and take a sunbath first.
二、Listen and write.听录音,填写正确的内容。
Who’s family
How many people
Where to go
Go there by
惠州双月湾酒店海景房价格How long
三、Listen and choose.听录音,选出相应的应答句。
(  ) 1. A. It looks good.      B. It’s going to be sunny.      C. It is sunny.
(  ) 2. A. She wants to go to the beach.
眉山旅游景点排名>深圳景点排名前十    B. She will go to the seaside.
    C. She is going to the park.
(  ) 3. A. We’ll take a bath. 
    B. We’ll have some seafood. 
    C. We’ll drive a car.
(  ) 4. A. Dictionary.   
    B. This picture book.   
    C. English.
(  ) 5. A. We should see it.        B. I like the film.      C. It’s about insects.
(  ) 6. A. Yes, she can.          B. Yes, she does.        C. Yes, she will.
四、Listen and judge.听录音,判断句子正误,用×表示。
(  ) 1. Peter is going to Nanjing with his family.
(  ) 2. The weather is going to be fine.
(  ) 3. This picture book is about animals.
(  ) 4. Music and art books are on the second floor.
(  ) 5. Tom is going to stay in Beijing for seven days.
(  ) 6. This is Jenny’s dictionary.
五、Listen and choose.听录音,选出正确的内容。
(  ) (1) The bookshop is in the ________of the city.
    A. north        B. south        C. west
(  ) (2) The bookshop has ________ floors.
    A. four    B. five      C. six
(  ) (3) People can buy birthday cards on the ________ floor.
    A. first          B. second        C. third
(  ) (4) If you want to buy books about cooking, you should go to the ________ floor.
    A. third      B. fourth          C. second
(  ) (5) The storybooks and picture books are on the ________ floor.
    A. first      B. second        C. third
(  ) (6) ________ are on the fourth floor.
    A. Storybooks            B. Magazines          C. Dictionaries
(  ) (7) There are crayons and pens on the ________ floor.
    A. third    B. fourth        C. fifth
一、Read and choose.出划线部分发音不同的单词,把编号写在括号内。
(  ) 1. A. pie        B. piece      C. sky
(  ) 2. A. toilet        B. boy        C. boat
(  ) 3. A. early        B. pear      C. hair
(  ) 4. A. hotel        B. every          C. student
(  ) 5. A. flower      B. tomorrow    C. window
(  ) 6. A. cray凤凰古城在湖南哪个市地图on        B. cap        C. change
二、Read and choose.选出不同类的词。
(  ) 1. A. magazine    B. newspaper        C. dictionary        D. story
(  ) 2. A. writer      B. row        C. drive          D. play
(  ) 3. A. summer      B. season      C. winter          D. autumn
(  ) 4. A. London      B. China      C. Hongkong          D. Shanghai
(  ) 5. A. beach      B. park      C. seafood          D. hill
(  ) 6. A. plane      B. underground      C. train          D. travel
三、Read and write.用正确的介词填空。
1. We’re going to row a boat ________ Sunday afternoon.
2. Sanya is ________ the south ________ China.
3. Do you have a good plan ________ the weekend?
4. Tom is weak ________ English and Maths. He doesn’t like school.
5. The students want to know ________ wild geese.
6. This film is fun. It’s ________ monkeys.
7. There are some words ________ the back of the paper.
四、Read and choose.选择填空。
(  ) 1. ________ is a wonderful place for a long holiday.
    A. The park    B. Sanya      C. The bookshop
(  ) 2. Hangzhou has beautiful ________ and nice ________.
    A. seafood; mountains    B. lakes; food    C. sea; food
(  ) 3. “________ is so fun!” Mum says.
    A. Cook        B. To cook      C. Cooking
(  ) 4. I’m going to ________ some magazines in the bookshop.
    A. watch        B. see        C. buy
(  ) 5. This is our new home. It has many different ________.
    A. bedroom          B. places      C. rooms
(  ) 6. —What are you doing?
    —We ________ about children’s favourite teachers.
    A. are doing a survey        B. do a survey          C. are knowing
(  ) 7. I feel a little sick, so I want to ________.
    A. row a boat with you      B. stay at home        C. go to work
(  ) 8. The little monkey is lazy. It ________ build a house tomorrow.
    A. is going to          B. doesn’t want          C. won’t
(  ) 9. Steven usually ________ storybooks, but now he ________ a magazine.

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