2018年天津一日游英语作文-推荐word版 (4页)

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  导语:彼时的天津还没搞大的建设开发,马路上少见熙攘的人,汽车也不甚川流,狗不理包子也没现在贵的吓人。以下小编为大家介绍天津一日游 英语 作文文章,欢迎大家阅读参考!
  一个紧张而繁忙的 暑假 就要过去了,这个暑假几乎没有玩的时间,全都在忙着为小升初做准备,8月23日,我终于盼来了期盼已久的天津一日游--欢乐谷水上温泉。早上,我们一家五口10点多就和我在天津的舅舅见了面,他是欢乐谷水上世界的总经理,我们六个人一起去欢乐谷水上世界玩。 长沙跟团游
  刚进入水上世界,我还没有熟悉地形,于是就先转了一大圈。这个地方好大呀,有好多的娱乐设施,但好多都是温泉,只有四五个是我喜欢的冷水池。渐渐的,我熟悉了这里,于是我就拉着我爸下了造浪池。我提出要玩溺水的游戏,就是我来装不会游泳,但我往深水区跑,我爸的任务就是在后面追我,要把我救上岸。我故意提出这个游戏害我爸,因为他不敢到深水区去。正玩着,不幸的事来了,开始造浪了,而我正因为我爸没有救我装死呢,这下可糟糕了。惊恐的我,在水里打了好几个滚,一连咽下几口水,但感觉就像在真正的海上一样,和风 雨 战斗,气派极了!浪渐渐停了,我从孤独的小鸭子又变成了活波快乐的小狗,欢欢喜喜的去了互动水屋。为了满足我爸的愿望,我们去泡了温泉。 其他 的温泉我都不感兴趣,我最喜欢的是“清清鱼池”。
  A stressful and busy summer vacation is going to be over. This summer vacation almost has no time to play. All of them are busy preparing for the small rise. In August 23rd, I finally looked forward to the long-awaited Tianjin one day tour -- the hot spring on Happy Valley. In the morning, we had five families and 10 o'clock and met with my uncle in Tianjin. He was the general manager of Happy Valley's water world. The six of us went to Happy Valley's water world together.
  Just entering the water world, I was not familiar with the terrain, so I turned a big circle first. This place is very big, there are a lot of entertainment facilities, but many are hot springs, only four or five are my favorite cold pool. Gradually, I was familiar with it, so I pulled my Dad down to make a wave pool. I put up a game of drowning, that is, I don't have to swim, but I run into the deep water. My dad's job is to chase me behind and save me on the shore. I deliberately proposed that this game harm my father, because he did not dare to go to the deep water. Are playing, unfortunately come, began to wave, and I was because my dad didn't save me dead, this is bad. Frightened, I hit several rolls in the water and swallowed some water in a row, but it felt like the real sea, fighting with the win
d and wind. The waves gradually stopped, and I became a happy little dog from the lonely little duck, and went to the interactive water house with joy. In order to satisfy my father's wishes, we went to the hot spring. I'm not interested in other hot springs. My favorite is the "clear fish pond". 国内情侣旅游景点排行前十

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