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1. —Does Helen have ________ fever?
—Yes, she does. I think she should go to ________ hospital.
A.An; /B.a; the C.a; an D.the; an
2. Yesterday,I used up all vegetables, I need to buy some today.
A.ate up B.ran out of C.sold out    D ran out
3. I saw him    when I passed by.
A.ran B.to run
C.runs D.running
4. Jenny fell down in the P.E. class yesterday and hurt ________.
A.him B.himself C.her D.herself
5. He lives_______in the lonely village, but he is never_______.A .alone; lone
大连森林动物园摩天轮B .alone; lonely
6. ---Why do you want to have a food festival?
---Because I want to ______ money for the disabled people.A .show
B .raise
C .develop
D .carry
7. — _______________ you please play tennis with me? —Sorry, I _______________.A .Could; can’t
B .Could; couldn’t
C .Can; don’t
D .Can; couldn’t
8. —Bruce is unhappy about his lost wallet.—Well, let’s do something to ________.A .cheer up her
B .cheer her up
C .cheer up him
D .cheer him up
9. —Does Sam think mountain climbing is dangerous?—Yes, he does. But he likes________.A .taking a photo
B .taking a seat
C .taking a risk
D .taking a break
10. If you want to be a vet(兽医), you should learn________ to look after animals first.A .when
B .what
C .where
D .how
C .for;  lying
D .of;  lying
A .for ; to lie
B .of;  to lie
—I think it’s necessary ________ you ________ down and have a rest.11. —I’m really tired now.
C .lonely; lonely
D .lonely;;alone.
12. —How does Jane go to school?
—She ________ ride a bike to school, but now she ________ going there by bus.
A.used to; is used to B.used to; used to C.is used to; used to D.is used to; is used to
13. You ________ eat so many candies. They are not good for your teeth.
A.can B.needn’t C.shouldn’t D.must
14. ---What did your mother say?
---She asked me ____ my coat before I played computer games.
A.wash B.washing C.to wash D.washes
15. --- ______?  ---I have a bad headache. I stayed up too late last night.
A.Why did you stay up late B.What’s the matter
C.When did you go to bed D.What do you like
16. When you don’t feel well, you always go to a doctor. Doctors can help you feel better. They spen
d a lot of time with ____ people. You may ____ how do ctors stay healthy. Do they ever get sick because of their patients(病人)?
The ____ is certainly “Yes”, Different patients carry different viruses(病菌). Doctors are ___ people. They ____ stop the viruses spreading(传递). Th ey may get the viruses through the touch, such as ____ hands or touching the same desk. They may get the viruses through the ___ , too. For example, when a patient coughs.
____, because doctors know very well about viruses, they can do a lot to help keep healthy. They always ____ to wash their hands. They ____ their desks an d computers in their offices very often. They also eat healthy food and do plenty of exercise.
【小题1】A.fun B.smart C.shy D.sick
【小题2】A.think B.wonder C.understand D.find
【小题3】A.answer B.secret C.risk D.situation
【小题4】A.great B.strong C.common D.kind
【小题5】A .can’t B .mustn’t C .shouldn’t D .needn’t 【小题6】A .washing B .shaking C .cutting D .giving 【小题7】A .sound B .water C .air D .time 【小题8】A .Suddenly B .Finally C .Luckily D .Probably 【小题9】A .remember B .mean C .ask D .decide 【小题10】A .use
B .buy
C .repair
D .clean
I am an English teacher. I have four classes every day. These days I have a s
ore throat. And it hurts badly every time I talk to others. The doctor advises me to have a good rest and not to talk too much. And I should also drink a l ot of water.
I am a cook and I work in a big restaurant. I have to cook lots of dishes ever
y day. These days both of my arms hurt. I could hardly lift anything. The do ctor advises me to take some medicine and stay at home relaxing myself for some time.
I am an engineer and I work in a company. These days I often stay up worki
ng in front of my computer. So I have a sore back. The doctor advises me to take a break and do some exercise. Most importantly, I shouldn’t work too l ong next time.
I am a policewoman I love this job. But I often can’t eat regularly (有规律
的)because of work. So I have a stomachache. The doctor advises me to ta ke some medicine and take some snacks to the office. So I can eat them whe n I don’t have time for my meal.
【小题2】Why do both of Steve’s arms hurt?
D .She has a toothache.
C .She has a sore throat.B .She has a stomachache.A .She has a sore back.【小题1】What’s the matter with Lily?根据表格内容选择最佳答案
A .He talks too much.
B .He cooks too many dishes.
C .He often works in front of his computer.
D .He doesn’t eat regularly.【小题3】What does Alex do?A .A cook
B .A teacher
【小题4】What’s the doctor’s advice for Sara?A .To take some snacks to the office.C .To have a good rest.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?A .Lily has three classes each day.C .Alex works with children.
18. What are carers? They care for their friends or family members who are ill or disabled for free. There are about seven hundred thousand young carers in the UK. They are younger than 18, but they have to take the hard job.Young carers’ stories Jodie’s story
Jodie is a 14-year-old young carer. She looks after her brother Rocky. Rocky is 8 and he has serious illnesses. He can’t see and he has many other health pro blems.Kiki’s story
The day starts early for 12-year-old Kiki. She gets up early, takes a shower, and then she has to help her two –year-old sister Victoria get up and take a show er. Victoria has difficulty in learning.Grant’s story
Sometimes life is too difficult for 13-year-old Grant. When he’s sitting in school trying to study, he can’t stop worrying about his old grandpa at home.If you want to learn more about the young carers and help them, call us at 663-7876.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。【小题1】Young carers ______.A .are older than 20B .don’t go to school C .may care for their friends D .don’t have a job.
【小题2】Jodie looks after ______.A .her brother B .her sister C .her father
D .her grandpa 【小题3】Victoria can’t ______, so her sister helps care for her.A .hear B .walk long C .see
D .learn easily D .Sara has a sore throat.B .Steve should stay at home and relax himself.D .To drink much water.
B .To do some exercise.
C .A policeman
苏州乐园水上世界门票多少钱D .An engineer

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