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AZ亚历桑那州Arizona State University - Main Campus/College of Fine Arts 亚利桑那⼤学艺术学院-ASU
  CA加州Academy of Art University旧⾦⼭艺术⼤学——AAU (旧称为AAC)
  Art Center College of Design 设计艺术中⼼学院——ACCD California College of Arts (原加州艺术与⼯艺学院)加州艺术学院_(CCA)
  California Institute of the Arts 加州艺术学院_(Calarts)
  California State University-Long Beach 加⼤长滩分校——CSULB Claremont Graduate School (CA)- 克莱蒙研究学院——CGU——The Center for the Arts Otis College of Art and Design 欧特斯艺术与设计学院——OCAD San Francisco Art Institute 旧⾦⼭艺术学院——SFAI San Jose St. University/ School of Art & Design 圣荷西⼤学艺术与设计学院——SJSU Stanford University -Graduate Program in Art History, Studio Art and Design 史丹福⼤学艺术与艺术史研究所University of California-Berkeley 加州⼤学柏克莱分校-UCB UCLA/School of Arts and Architecture/Dept. of Design 洛杉矶加⼤艺术与建筑学院设计系——UCLA University of California-Davis 加州⼤学戴维斯分校-UCDavis University of California-San Diego 加州⼤学圣地⽛哥分校-UCSD University of Southern California/ School of Fine Arts 南加⼤艺术学院——USC
  FL佛罗⾥达州Florida State University佛罗⾥达州⽴⼤学
  CT康乃狄克州Yale University (CT) Graduate School of Arts & Sciences耶鲁⼤学
  CO科罗拉多州University of Colorado at boulder 科罗拉多州⽴⼤学-波德校区
  GA乔治亚州Savannah College of Art and Design沙⽡那艺术与设计学院——SCAD
  IA爱荷华州University of Iowa - The School of Art and Art History爱荷华⼤学-艺术与艺术史研究所Iowa State University: College of Design爱荷华州⽴⼤学设计学院
  IN印第安那州Indiana University - Bloomington / College of Arts & Sciences印第安那⼤学艺术与科学学院
  IL伊利诺州School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥艺术学院——SAIC University of Illinois at Chicago-School of Art and Design伊利诺⼤学芝加哥分校——UIC Illinois Institute of Technology伊利诺理⼯学院——IIT
含山县人民政府  MA⿇州Massachusetts College of Art⿇州设计学院Boston University 波⼠顿⼤学(BU)
  University of Massachusetts -Amherst⿇赛诸赛州⼤学——UMA School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston艺术博物馆附设学院——SMFA MIT⿇省理⼯学院(MIT)
>Harvard University Graduate School of Design哈佛⼤学设计研究所
  MD马⾥兰州Maryland Institute College of Art马⾥兰艺术学院
  MI密西根州Cranbrook Academy of Art卡尔布鲁克艺术专科学院——CAA College for Creative Studies - College of Art and Design CCS艺术与设计学院/创意研究中⼼University of Michigan - Ann Arbor / School of Art密西根⼤学张家界三日游最佳方案
  MO密苏⾥州Washington University (MO)。wustl.edu华盛顿⼤学
  MN明尼苏达州Minneapolis College of Art and Design明尼亚波⾥艺术与设计学院——MCAD
  NC北卡罗莱纳州North Carolina State University Graduate school of design北卡⼤学设计学院
  NJ纽泽西州Rutgers - New Brunswick (NJ)罗格斯⼤学新伯朗⼠威校区
  NM新墨西哥州College of Fine Arts, University of New Mexico新墨西哥⼤学艺术学院
  NY纽约州Alfred University (NY)-School of Arts and Design M.F.A. Program 阿尔菲德⼤学Fashion Institute of Technology 流⾏技术学院-FIT New York Institute of Technology 纽约理⼯学院——NYIT New York University 纽约⼤学——NYU Parsons School of Design 帕森设计学院——PSD Pratt Institute 普瑞特艺术与设计学院 ——Pratt Rochester Institute of Technologic -Film / Video (Animation)罗彻斯特理⼯学院(影⽚及动画系)——RIT Syracuse University-College of Visual & Performing Arts 雪城⼤学视觉与表演艺术学院——SU School of Visual Arts 视觉艺术学院——SVA
  OH俄亥俄州Ohio State University/Columbus/ Art Dept.俄亥俄⼤学哥伦布校区艺术系——OSU University of Cincinnati⾟⾟那提⼤学——UC Bowling Green State College柏林绿州⽴⼤学-BGSU Art Academy of Cincinnati⾟⾟那提艺术技术学院——AAC Columbus College of Art and Design 哥伦布艺术与设计学院——CCAD ( BFA only)苏州景点推荐
  PA宾⼣法尼亚州University of the Arts 艺术⼤学——UA Temple University: Tyler School of Art 天普⼤学-泰勒艺术学院Carnegie Mellon University 卡内基美隆⼤学(CMU)
  Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 宾州艺术学院(PAFA)
  University of Pennsylvania 宾州⼤学(U.Penn)
  RI罗德岛Rhode Island School of Design罗德岛设计学院——RISD
  SC南卡罗莱纳州Clemson University - Graduate School of Arts克莱姆森⼤学建筑艺术与⼈⽂研究所
  TN⽥纳西州Memphis College of Art曼菲斯艺术学院——MCA
  TX德州Texas A&M University德州理⼯学院——TAU University of Texas - Austin / College of Fine Arts德州⼤学奥斯汀分校
  VA维吉尼亚州Virginia Commonwealth University - the School of the Arts维吉尼亚⼤学
  WA华盛顿州University of Washington 西雅图华盛顿⼤学2022澳门今晚开奖
  WI威斯康⾟州University of Wisconsin - Madison / Arts Institute威斯康⾟⼤学-曼迪逊分校
  WV西维吉尼亚州West Virginia University -Art & Science西维吉尼亚⼤学

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