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The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. Charming West Lake Hangzhou the Four Seasons "a paradise on earth" with an embedded shining pearl it is that the West Lake. And the beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm ( 韵
味 ) that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day. Among its beautiful sights the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake (西湖十景) . A collection of ten scenic views formed during the Southern Song Dynasty they are distributed around and within the lake and serve to show the charms of the West Lake. Each scene is unique and when taken together are said to present the essence of West Lake scenery and form the core of any West Lake tour. Visitors to the lake can plan to spend
their time viewing the "Ten Scenes of the West Lake".
桂林旅游团报价5日游Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political economic and cultural center. With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages Hangzhou is one of China's most important tourist venues.
The City the southern terminus of the Grand Canal is located on the lower reaches of the Qiantang River in southeast China a superior position in the Yangtze Delta and only 180 kilometers from Shanghai. Hangzhou has a subtropical monsoon type climate with four quite distinct seasons. However it is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter making it a year round destination.
The West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites. In this scenic area Solitary Hill th
e Mausoleum of General Yue Fei the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions. The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake mountains and monuments.
A number of national museums can be found in Hangzhou and are representative of Chinese culture. Fine examples
are the National Silk Museum and Tea Museum. Along with the other museums in Hangzhou they provide a fascinating
insight into the history of Chinese traditional products.宜华健康
Charming West Lake, Hangzhou, the Four Seasons, "a paradise on earth" with an embedded shining pearl, it is
that the West Lake. West Lake of the Four Seasons is the United States. Spring in the West go to the flourishing of Bai Di, Sir Georg Solti on a lake view, the only sparkling lake, the waves Adventure, like precious stones such as the San Tan Chinese Restaurant embedded in the lake. Liu Si breeze from time to time your cheek, from time to time in gently over his head, shoulders Reinforced with a slight shake to organizations and the sound of distant and
pleasant sound, that is how people intoxicated with it! In the summer, the lake's West Lake, the lotus leaf, lotus
hard squeeze hard squeeze. Most notably that of white jade flowers, demure, Su-jie, is "emerge unstained from filth." Jingying those holding lotus leaves, such as agate-like dew, and guard the arch of flowers and fat Huagu Duo, is a large picture of the artist or the beautiful landscape. In the
fall of the West Lake is one of the mature landscape. Ten shore of the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance you really make people to and from the lingering; the lake, the lotus leaf as the shy little girl, the lower the head, went into hiding, and waiting for them to remind people to take under
Flanagan's Lotus then . At this time, Hua Zhao light of the boat, humming a ditty of leisurely, gently take the next lotus root. That only a lotus root it, Baibaipanpang, a naked truth of Doll Xiao Pang, people love. If you are from the basket, on a random selection, the bite on a clean wash, Cuisheng sheng, it has been able to taste sweet to your heart. West Lake in winter is no exception.
Although the flowers have to thank, but the lake bottom is clear, the plum blossom in full bloom is very beautiful; snow, snow-wrapped, the edge of the embankment in the cheerful children's play, laughter, the sound Xuefei, the
co - Together, turned into a beautiful symphony. Ah! West Lake! You're a bright, bright pearl you!

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