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1. 本试卷共12页,满分120分。考试时间为120分钟。
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3. 答题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
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1. ___________    2. ___________    3. ___________    4. ___________    5. ___________
6. When is the art show?
A. On Friday morning        B. On Saturday morning.      C. On Sunday morning.
7. What will Susan do this Sunday?
A. Visit her grandparents.      B. Visit her parents.      C. Visit her teacher.
8. Where will they meet?
A. At the school gate.      B. At the bus station.      C. Outside the museum.
9. What club does Bob want to join?
A. The music club.      B. The basketball club.      C. The English club.
10. How was the English club last year?
A. Interesting.      B. Boring.      C. Just so-so.
11. How many students were there in the English club last year?
A. Thirty.      B. Forty.      C. Forty-five.
12. Where is the man?
A. In a bank.      B. In a hotel.      C. In a restaurant.
13. When will the man check out?
A. Tomorrow morning.      B. Tomorrow afternoon.      C. Tomorrow evening.
14. How much does the man need to pay?
A. $60.      B. $68.      C. $86.
15. Whose birthday is it?
A. Sarah's.      B. Michael's.      C. Rebecca's.
16 When will the birthday party begin?
A. At 615.      B. At 630.      C. At 700.
17. What does the man want to know?
A. What to buy.      B. Who to call.      C. Where to park.
18. How long will the listeners visit the factory in total?
A. For half an hour.      B. For an hour.      C. For an hour and a half.
19. What is this factory's most popular product?
A. Chocolate cake.      B. Chocolate eggs.      C. Boxes of chocolates.
20. What will the listeners probably do next?
A. Buy tickets.      B. Relax in the cafe.      C. Buy some chocolate eggs.
1. — I won a prize at the school sports day, Mum.
— ________ Congratulations!
A. Oh, no.    B. That’s great!    C. Hard to say.    D. It all depends.
考查情景交际。Oh, no哦,不;That’s great非常好;Hard to say很难说;It all depends这视情况而定。根据“I won a prize at the school sports day, Mum”可知对对方进行积极评价,选项B符合语境。故选B。
2. —Why could you write so well?
—I read a lot, and the works of Ernest Hemingway had a strong ________ on me as a child.
A. attention    B. explanation    C. situation    D. influence
考查名词。attention注意力;explanation解释,说明;situation情况;influence影响。句子用短语“have a strong influence on sb.”表达孝感一日游景点大全对某人有巨大的影响。故选D
3. — Luckily, Tom helped us solve the problem.
— Great! He is so smart that he can always come up with ________ ideas.青岛康辉旅行社
A. bright    B. comfortable    C. friendly    D. similar
考查形容词辨析。bright聪明的;comfortable舒服的;friendly友好的;similar相似的。根据“He is so smart that he can always come ideas”可知他很聪明,所以能想出好主意。故选A。
4. — How can we go to the station?
— I ________ going in my car.
A. practise    B. suggest    C. invite    D. introduce
考查动词辨析。practise练习;suggest建议;invite邀请;introduce介绍。根据“How can we go to the station”可知此处是建议坐车去。故选B。
5. Nancy didn’t know anyone in the new school, so she decided to join an after-school club ________ some new friends.
A. to meet    B. meet    C. 云南香格里拉旅游攻略必去景点met    D. meets
考查非谓语动词。根据“some new friends”可知,用动词不定式表达目的是为了交新朋友,用“to meet”。故选A
6. —You________ be excited—you have tickets for your favourite band!
—Yes. It’s unbelievable that I can see the band play live!
A need    B. have to    C. must    D. might
考查情态动词。need需要;have to不得不;must必须;might可能。根据“you have tickets for your favourite band”可知,句子表达肯定猜测一定很兴奋。故选C
7. —What a lovely garden!
—Yeah, let’s ________ a walk in it.
A. call out    B. go for    C. come across    D. give away

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