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Ladies and Gentlemen, 杭州宋城千古情好看吗
欢迎大家来到"自然的遗产,世界的武隆"。现在我们来到的就是具有独特南方喀斯特地貌的天生三桥。喀斯特地貌,也就是我们常说的岩溶地貌。岩溶地貌的景观基础就是石灰岩,因为其易溶于水。所以亿万年来,具有溶蚀性的地表水、地下水对其进行溶蚀等一系列地质作用即形成了峰林、天坑、天生桥、溶洞等千姿百态的岩溶景观。2007年,由重庆武隆、云南石林、贵州荔波共同组成的“中国南方喀斯特” 在第31土耳其旅游特届世界遗产大会上被评选为世界自然遗产并全票通过。而武隆也就成为了重庆唯一的一处世界自然遗产。而其核心景观就是世界规模最大且独一无二的天山三硚。在这不到1.2公里的范围内天生三硚就天然的一而成。使其呈现山是一座桥,桥是一座山,桥连坑,坑接桥,三山生三桥,三桥拥两坑的地质奇观。三硚由上而下依次为天龙桥、青龙桥以及黑龙桥。
Welcome to Wulong----a natural karst attraction which enjoys a world famous reputation for
its geologic wonders. Now, here we are at the three natural stone bridges. It is a finest example of the unique South China Karst topography. Karst topography is often described as karst landform. This natural scenery is formed by limestone which is easily soluble in water. So, for eons of time, the interaction of surface-water and underground-water has created various spectacular landscapes like fenglin,tiankeng,naturalbridge,cavesandsoon.During the 31st session of the World Heritage Committee in 2007, Wulong Karst, together with Shilin Karst in Yunnan and Libo Karst in Guizhou was named on the World Heritage List by a unanimous vote. So, it has become the only one world natural heritage of Chongqing. And the three natural stone bridges are thought to be the most magnificent and unique natural bridge cluster in the world. Within the range of less than 1.2 km, we can see three natural born bridges, which creates a geologic wonder by presenting three mountains as three bridges and three bridges embrace two karst pits. 
The three natural karst bridges are Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge.临安浙西大峡谷漂流
生桥。又名头道桥,顾名思义就是天生三硚中的第一座。因位居三桥第一,犹如飞在天,故而得名天龙。整座桥高235m,桥厚 150m,平均桥拱高度96m。就如大家所看到的这般高大厚重、气势磅礴,以雄壮称奇。当然了天龙桥还有一奇,就是它的桥洞。天龙桥桥中有洞,洞中生洞,洞如迷宫,即壮观又神奇。据当地老百姓讲,这里是当年土匪的藏身之地,因洞中地形复杂,所以进洞要以绳索作为标记,因此这天生桥桥洞又有迷魂洞之说。
Now we come to the first bridge-- Tianlong Bridge. It is the first natural bridge on the Yangshui gorge. We also call it Head Bridge. Just as the name implies, it is the first bridge of the three natural bridges. Besides, it looks like a dragon in the sky, so we name it Tianlong Bridge. This Bridge is about 235 meters heigh, 150 meters wide. The average height of the arch is 96 meters. As we can see it is so grand and magnificent that we regard it as a miraculous wonder. However, the opening of Tianlong Bridge is also a mystery. One opening of this bridge may lead us to another smaller one inside it, just like a maze, which is spectacular and magical. According to the local people, this was the hiding place of the bandit in the past. Because of the complex terrain condition, people w
ho walk into the cave should use a rope to make a mark in case of losing the way. Therefore, we call it Mihun Cave.
There is another scenic spot in this attraction. I believe all of you are quite familiar with it. Yes, that is Tianfu Post house---the only outdoor scene of the movie “curse of the golden flower” directed by Zhang Yimou who has invested 360 million yuan RMB in it. This post house was originally built on the second year of Wude, Tang Dynasty, and it was a very important rest place for officials from Chongqing and Guizhou to transfer information. Unfortunately, it has been destroyed during the war. What we see now is a new one whic
h was rebuilt by Zhang Yimou who spent 2 million Yuan in it. Because it’s a filming location of this movie, so, props like carriages, armors, and swords are kept in this house. If you're interested, you can use your camera to capture this beautiful moment. Ladies and gentleman, right here at the filming location of an acrobatic fighting play, can you feel a kind of chivalry in this gorge?
All right, friends, let’s move on. Right there in front of us, the second bridge—Qinglong Bridge is greeting us. It is also known as Zhonglong Bridge. Please look at the direction of my fingers; does it look like a door in the sky?  Well, every time after the rains, a waterf
all pours over the bridge and forms a mist. When the sunset reflects on the mist, a colorful rainbow emerges like a dragon ascending slowly to the sky. It was so called Qinglong Bridge. This Bridge is about 281 meters high, 168meters wide, and the average height of the arch is 103 meters. Exactly, it is much higher than the first bridge we’ve seen just now. This bridge features the biggest vertical drop among the three natural bridges. At the same time, its height and thickness tops all of the natural bridges in the world.
Well, friends, tiankeng lies a short walk ahead of us, and right after it is the Helong bridge. Let’s take a break for a while. Thank you!

本文发布于:2023-07-18 14:53:41,感谢您对本站的认可!



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