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SectionA News
1 B The test driver made a wrong judgement
2 D They have generally done quite well.
3 A He works at a national park.
4 B They were making a lot of noise.
5 A The discovery of a new species of snake.
奥运会6 C A snake crawled onto his head in his sleep.
7 D From its colour.
SectionB Conversation
8 C His flight is leaving in less than 2 hours.
9 B By credit card.
10 A Give him a receipt.
11 D Posting a comment on the hotel’s webpage.
12 C He has stopped making terrible faces.
13 D Warn him of danger by making up a story.
14 A They could break pp’s legs.
15 B One would have to shave their head to remove a bat in their hair.阳江海陵岛自驾游攻略
SectionC Passage
16 C Everything seemed to be changing.
17 A Meeting people.
18 D He was a young student in the 1960s.
19 B They avoid looking at them.
20 C It focuses its eyes on their mouths.
21 B By taking in their facial expressions as a whole.
22 D They resort to different means to survive the bitter cold.
23 C They consume the energy stored before the long sleep.
24 A By storing enough food beforehand
25 C To stay safe
黄河是亚洲第三、世界第六长的河流。“黄”这个字描述的是其河水浑浊的颜。黄河发源于青海,流经九个省份,最后注入渤海。黄河是中国赖以生存的几条河流之一。黄河流域(river basin)是中国古代文明的诞生地,也是中国早期历史上最繁荣的地区。然而,由于极
The Yellow River ranks the third longest in Asia and the sixth longest in the world. The word “yellow” describes the muddy water of the river. The Yellow River,one of several rivers for China to live on,originates from Qinghai,flows through nine provinces, and finally pours into the Bohai Sea. The river basin is not only the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilization,but also the most prosperous region in the early history of China. However,due to the frequent devastating floods, it has caused many disasters. In the past few decades,the government has taken various measures to prevent disasters.
The Yellow River ranks the third longest in Asia and the sixth longest in the world. The word “yellow” describes the perennial color of the muddy water. The Yellow River, one of several rivers for China to live on, originates from Qinghai province,flows through nine provinces, and finally pours into the Bohai Sea. The river basin is not only the birth place
of ancient Chinese civilization,but also the most prosperous region in the early history of China. However, due to the frequent devastating floods, it has caused many disasters. In the past few decades, the government has taken various measures to prevent disasters.
The Pearl River, an extensive river systeminsouthern China, flows through Guangzhou City. Itis China’s third-longestriver, only after theYangtze Riverand theYellow River. The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is one of the most developed regions in China with an area of about 11,000 square kilometers. It is the largest urban area in the world in both size and population.The nine largest cities of PRDhave a combined population of over 57 million.Since the reform and opening up (economic liberalization) was adopted by the Chi
nese governmentin the late 1970s, the Delta has become one of the leading economic regions and a major manufacturing center of China and the world.
The Pearl River, an extensive river system in southern China, flows through Guangzhou City. It is China’s third-longest river, only behind the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The Pearl River Delta is one of the most developed regions in China with an area of about 11,000 square kilometers. It is the largest urban area in the world in both size and population. The nine largest cities of Pearl River Delta have a combined population of over 57 million. Since the reform and opening up in the late 1970s, the Delta has become one of the major economic regions and manufacturing centers of both China and the world.
伴随状语,flowing through the Guangzhou City,covering an area of about 11,000 square kilometers;介词短语充当后置定语the river systems in South China, the nine biggest cities in the Pearl River Delta;主要时态考查为一般现在时和现在完成时,例如,‘上世纪70年代末中国改革开放以来,珠江三角洲已成为中国和世界主要经济区域和制造中心之一’,我们在课上讲过现在完成时的标志:“已经,自…以来就…”;四级翻译每年分词状语成分必考,而且几大后置定语结构,不定式,分词,定语从句,形容词,介词短语,也都是四级考生必会且老师必然要讲到的核心语法结构。
The Pearl River, the largest river in southern China, flows across Guangzhou City and is China's third long river, second only to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.
句法方面:这句话里面有四个动词:第一个“是”不翻,处理为同位语the largest river in southern China;第二个动词“流经”和第三个动词“是”用谓语动词处理,这两个谓语动词可以选用比较不容易出错的并列连词and连接;“次于”翻译为形容词短语翻译即可second to。

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