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1.If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party,________.
A.he will either B.neither will he
C.he neither will D.either he will
2.Allen followed his customer across the yard and stood on the step of the house, two shopping bags.
A.lifted B.having lifted C.to lift D.lifting
3.My neighbour came to ask me why there was so much noise in my house yesterday afternoon. I told her that some children an English song.
A.praticed B.would practice C.have practiced D.were practicing
4.The first snow didn’t fall until February in our province this year, ________ was unexpected.
A.it B.which C.that D.what
5.Tianjin soccer fans wonder how long it will be ______ the popular soccer star —Sunke can appear in the fields in Tianjin as a member of Tianjin Tianhai soccer team.
A.before B.since
C.until D.where
6.Watching basketball games on TV at home is one thing, going to watch them ________ live is quite another. A.perform B.performing C.to perform D.being performed
7.With the development of economy,our income has increased ________ 10% in less than a year.
A.for B.by
C.on D.at
8.The Oxford English Dictionary is necessary for learning English, so you'd better buy ___.
A.this B.that C.it D.one
9.The new hotel is reported to be built it used to be a wasteland.
A.which B.where
C.in which D.what
迪士尼游乐场项目10.—I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.
武夷山玩几天合适—It true because there was little snow there.
A.may be not B.won’t be C.couldn’t be D.mustn’t be
11.—Did you take sides when Mom and Dad were arguing again?
—No. I’ve learned that it’s best _______ until it blows over.
A.to call it a day B.to pull their legs
C.to sit on the fence D.to wash my hands off成都到稻城亚丁怎么去
12.Mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing ________ it can pursue politics, science, art and religion.
A.until B.unless
C.before D.since
13.Don’ t w orry. A number of efforts are being made ______ the whole system operating normally.
A.being kept B.kept
C.keeping D.to keep
14.— Did you catch the first bus this morning?
—No. It had left the stop _________ I got there.
A. in the time B.at the time
C.by the time D.during the time
15.The financial damage is nothing compared to what _______ if there had been children in the classroom in time of the fire.
A.would happen B.happened
C.would have happened D.should have happened
阳谷县天气预报15天16.Never turn down a job because y ou think it’s too small. You don’t know _____ it can lead.
A.how B.where
C.whether D.what
17.Some analysts suspected that the rebellion was _______ and financed by a western country.
A.launched B.backed C.evaluated D.crushed
18.It’s strongly advised that smokers not be allowed to smoke in any room ________ babies currently occupy. A.where B.whose
C.that D.as
19.I ____ about w hat you’ve said and I’ve decided to take your advice.
A.thought B.have been thinking
C.was thinking D.had thought
20.-prlfessor, do you have something at this moment?
-No,thanks.I'llcall you if there is any.
A.typing B.typed C.to type D.to be typed
21.(6分)  A full moon is appearing—and it will have a big impact on animals, especially those in t
he ocean.
Recent studies show that many types of animals have biological clocks finely tuned to the cycles of the moon, which
drives interesting and sometimes strange patterns of behavior.
Besides discovering hidden aspects of animal life, the research also has intention of better understanding the circadian clocks(生物钟)present in all animals, including humans.
The first circadian clocks evolved in the oceans, so studying them in ocean animals can tell us a lot about how they evolved and how they work and interact with each other, explains Kim Last, a researcher at the Scottish Association for Marine Science.
Oysters(牡蛎), which open their shells to eat and spawn, also have a lunar rhythm, a new study shows.
In a recent experiment, French researchers carefully monitored how widely a dozen oysters opened their shells during a 3.5-month period. The team used a high-tech device that quantified the valve opening every two seconds, as described in a paper published in the journal Biology Letters.
They found that two types of oysters in Arcachon Bay in southwestern France were significantly more open during new moons and more closed when the moon was full. In addition, the oysters could tell the difference between the first quarter moon and the third quarter moon, and were significantly more open (by nearly 20 percent) at the latter.
It’s unknown why the oysters do this, though it could be due to more algae(海藻) or other food being available during the new moon and as the year progresses, says study leader Damien Tran, a researcher at the University of Bordeaux.
The lunar cycle could influence food availability by its impact on the tides and thus the ocean’s currents. When the moon is full or new, it is directly in line with Earth and the sun, forcing a strong pull on the ocean and thus causing more pronounced tides, explains David Wilcockson, a ocean biologist at Aberystwyth University in Wales who wasn’t part of the study.
1、Where did the earliest life forms probably evolve?
A.In the tides. B.In the oysters.
C.In the moon. D.In the ocean.
2、Based on the observations, what is the likely order of when the oysters are most open and most closed?
①The new moon; ②The full moon;
③The first quarter; ④The third quarter
3、What is it that leads to the huge tides?
A.A strong pull. B.A straight line.
C.The lunar cycle. D.The ocean’s current.
4、Why are oysters mentioned as an example?
A.To explain why they open their shells.
B.To further stress the moon’s impact on animals.
C.To show the difficulty of science experiments.
D.To introduce how the high-tech device is used in experiments.
镜泊湖天气22.(8分)Next time you go shopping, keep in mind that there may be hidden cameras analyzing your habits. According to a 2015 survey of 150 managers from Computer Services Corporation, a quarter of British shops use facial recognition software to collect data on shopper behavior.
With concerns that face-recognition c ameras“ are kind of invasive(冒犯的)”, British analysis firm Hoxton Analytics has come up with a new way of measuring footfall (客流)—by filming people's shoes. The technology can collect a large amount of personal information. "We have cameras at 50 cm off the ground and they point down so they are less invasive than facial recognition," Duncan Mann, Hoxton's officer said.
As modern cities get fuller—70 percent of the population will live in urban areas by 2050—cameras and other technologies are taking over public spaces and collecting our data. Their purpose is to keep people safe, provide efficient services and prevent disasters and crimes.
But some are not happy with the cameras as far as their privacy(隐私) is concerned. "Very few of us have any real concept of what data smart cities are gathering," said Renate
We begin giving away data as soon as we wake up. When we enter the transport system, we are giving away even more details about ourselves through smart cards, mobile phones or credit cards.
Nick Millman, director at a consulting firm thinks statistics are the key to the privacy concern. He used the example of Google Maps, which is to monitor the flow of traffic in Stockholm. He explained, "It is basically adding privacy controls to statistics so that you only see the data you need to know about". In this case, Google gets enough data to improve traffic but not so much that it shows individual journey patterns.
1、What is the article mainly about?
A.An introduction to collecting shoppers' data.
B.The concerns about giving away personal data.
C.The problems caused by imbalanced distribution of population.
D.An invention recording and collecting customers' information.
2、The new technology invented by Hoxton Analytics_______.
A.can gather a lot of people's personal data from their shoes
B.uses cameras fitted on the ground to collect customers' data
C.has improved the accuracy of facial recognition software
D.offers a perfect solution to customers' privacy concerns
3、According to the author, cameras in modern cities_______.
北京水立方门票预约A.cause a huge waste of public space
B.help reduce the size of population in urban areas
C.are likely to help improve traffic conditions
D.are to avoid crimes and disasters and provide efficient services
4、What is Renate Samson's attitude toward the rise of smart cities?
23.(8分)When the weather’s hot, do you enjoy a glass of Brad’s Drink whil e watching your TV made by Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering, and surfing the web using a search engine called BackRub? No? Neither do I. That’s because all these companies have changed their names.
Brad’s Drink is now Pepsi. The mouthful that was Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering has become, simply, Sony. And BackRub is now known as Google. Though I must admit, the idea of a back massage does sound good right now!
Joking aside, choosing the right name for your start-up is a serious matter. Think of the case of a small Canadian company called Research in Motion, who in 1998 had just developed a high-tech mobile phone that could send emails.
They were torn between names like MegaMail and ProMail. Then they sought the help of consulting firm Lexicon, who specialize in brand names. They had other ideas. They brainstormed words connected to enjoyment and freshness. Someone said.
Lexicon’s boss added two capital letters, and there you have it: BlackBerry was born. Since then it has sold over 33 million handsets to customers around the world. Would it have sold as well if it was called MegaMail? Who knows?
Recently, BlackBerry sales have been overtaken by Android phones and Apple’s iPhone. Lexicon’s founder David Placek is a big fan of simple brand names like those Apple chooses: the iPhone. They l0ok a household word and by putting one letter in font of it, it ends up being game changing.
So, for all you entrepreneurs(企业家)out there, make sure you allow time to develop a catchy and memorable name. Think about what makes your company different. What’s your USP (独特的销售主张) ? Maybe you can reflect that in

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