旅游使我成长Travel Helps Me Grow Up大学英语作文

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额济纳旅游使我成长Travel Helps Me Grow Up大学英语作文
昆明到西双版纳高铁时刻表查询Thanks to my parents, I have been to many places. I
feel so lucky to witness the scenery by my eyes. I love to travel since I was very small. I have made up my mind that I must continue my journey on my own. As I grow up, I have planned some trips and learned a lot.
Travel helps me to be independent. For many people, they trend to travel by groups, which is very convenient. The panies plan everything for them, and they just need to follow the schedules. But as for me, I only enjoy traveling freely, so I will scan a lot of information and select the useful message. I learn the history and culture of the countries and get to know all kinds of applications.
The most important thing of travel is to broaden my vision. When my friends talk about the beautiful places from the textbook, I will tell them that I have been there
and can give them my opinion. The way I talk and the knowledge I offer to them make me stand out and I am so proud of myself.

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