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Macau is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China, until 1999 Macau was an overseas territory of Portugal. One of the world's most densely populated spots, Macau generates more revenue from gambling than anywhere else on the planet. Districts of Macau
Macau Peninsula (    O Mun Pun To)
The northernmost region connected to the Chinese mainland. It is the center of most tourist activity and is densely crowded.
Taipa (  Tam Chai)
The island south of the peninsula, accessible via three bridges. It is a major
residential center and is the location of Macau's International Airport.
Cotai (  Lou Tam)
A strip of reclaimed land between Co loane and Tai pa, with vast new casinos
rising up (such as The Venetian, the largest casino in the world).
Coloane (  Lou Wan)
The most southern island, it is considerably less developed than the other
regions due to its mountainous terrain. It has two beaches, several hiking trails and a resort. It is also the location of Macau's first golf course.
The way to Macau
常州十大旅游景点By boat
This is still the main way in which most visitors get to Macau. The main ferry terminal in Macau is the Macau Ferry Terminal (Terminal Maritimo) at the Outer Harbour (Portuguese: Porto Exterior, Chinese:  ). This is a busy terminal handling most of the sea traffic between Macau and Hong Kong as well as the Chinese ports of Shekou and Fuyong (the latter which serves Shenzhen International Airport).
If you are heading straight to a casino or hotel, most of these establishments provide free shuttle buses.
Shekou Departure to New HK Macau Ferry Terminal
Price: RMB190 about$31
Departure Time Estimated Arrival Time
08 15 09 25
08 45 09 45
10 30 11 30
11 30 12 40
13 30 14 30
14 30 15 30
15 30 16 40
16 30 17 30
17 30 18 30
18 30 19 30
19 30 20 30
Five-Star Hotels
Check-in Time: 15:00
Check-out Time: 11:00
Lisboa Hotel Macau Peninsula About $150 per night per room
Macau Ferry Terminal 2.5km  and Macau International Airport 4.5km
The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel 5.5km
The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Taipai About $200 per night per room The hotel itself is a site to explore,
An excellent gambling place.
Big hotel, confusing to find places around.
奥林匹克森林公园在哪里Macau Attractions
Ruins of St. Paul's
It stands adjacent to the famous Mount Fortress and Macau Museum. The front façade and the grand stone stairs are the only remains of the greatest church.
Largo do Senado
Senado Square (Largo do Senado) is a public square in Macau. In 2005 it was inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List as it forms part of the Historic Centre of Macau. There are shopping centers and traditional Chinese restaurants around the square. Fashion clothes, famous snacks and the scenic environment make it a famous attraction.
By walk, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro---- Eat here.
The restaurants specializing in local cuisine can be found in the central downtown area close to Largo do Senado, the main square. And souvernirs& Gifts

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