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Part   Vocabulary and Structure(30%)
This part consists of two tasks: task1 and task2.
Task1 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given in the brackets (10*1.5’=15’)
1.This model may be (classification) ____________ as either an optimizing model or simulation model.
2. My company (manufacture) ______________ toys and games for children.
3. He got a job as (edit) _______________of a trade journal.
4. The industrial revolution (modification) _______________the whole structure of English society.
5. A healthy person offers more (resist) ________to disease than a weak person.
6. He said he was in great need of my (assist)_________ .
7. (contact) ___________inspection is to use a device located at a certain distance from the product to examine it.
8. The country’s power (generate) __________is likely to drop.
9. According to international norm, Chinese students who are (sponsor) _______________by the government to study abroad have the duty to return to serve their home country.
吉林市是几线城市10.Without a moment’s (hesitate) ____________, she jumped into the river to save the drowning(溺水的)girl.
Task 2: Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary. (10*1.5’=15’)
8月去哪里旅游最好 国内
1. His latest record was a big hit within a week of its _________.
2. We ___________offering clients a variety of Chinese merchandise at a competitive price.
3. The church seeks to __________ closely with local schools.
4. You must always create things to _________________ , to enjoy and you must always reward yourself each week.
5. The cities of Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang are often ____________Wuhan.
6. The government is _______________a new policy to help the unemployed.
7. Traditional booksellers face stiff___________ from companies selling via the Internet.
8. What one thinks and feels is mainly_________ tradition, habit and education.
9. Fuel system converts hydrogen (氢气) to _____________electricity.
10. We are _______________a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
Part 山西省旅游景点排行  Reading Comprehension (15*2=30’)
This part consists of three tasks: task1, task2 and task3.
龙水湖水上乐园Directions: After reading the following passages, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1through 15. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Task 1
    People who work night shifts are constantly fighting against an "internal clock" in their bodies. Quite often the clock tells them to sleep when their job requires them to remain fully awake. It's no wonder that more accidents happen during night shills than at any other time. Light therapy(照光法) with a bright light box can help night-shift workers adjust their internal clock, However, many doctors recommend careful planning to help improve sleep patterns. For example, night-shift workers often find it difficult to sleep in the morning when they get off work because the body's natural rhythm(节律) fights back, no matter how tired they are. Some experts recommend that night-shift workers schedule two smaller sleep periods--one in the morning 'after work, and another longer one in the a
fternoon, closer to when the body would naturally need to sleep. It's also helpful to ask friends and family to cooperate by avoiding visits and phone calls during the times when you are sleeping.
1. Night-shift workers are those who ______.
    A) have to rely on their internal clock            B) need to re-adjust their clock
    C) fall asleep late at night                      D) have to work at night
2. In order to remain fully awake at work, people working night shifts should ______.
    A) have longer sleep periods after work          B) make the light darker than usual
    C) try to re-set their "internal clock"            D) pay more attention to their work
3. Many doctors think it is helpful for night-shill workers ______.
    A) to sleep with a bright light on                B) to plan sleep patterns carefully
    C) to avoid being disturbed at work              D) to sleep for a long time after work
4. Night-shift workers often find it difficult to sleep in the morning because ______.
    A) their internal clock will not allow them to    B) they are often disturbed by morning visits
上海海昌海洋公园官方售票平台    C) they are not trying hard enough to do so        D) they are too tired to go to sleep well
5. According to the passage, some doctors recommend that night-shift workers should ______.
    A) have frequent visits and phone calls            B) improve their family relationship
C) have two smaller sleep periods                D) rely mainly on light therapy
Task 2
          A few ways Greyhound can make your next trip even easier.
Tickets By mail. Avoid lining up altogether, by purchasing your tickets in advance, and having them delivered right to your mailbox. Just call Greyhound at least ten days before your departure (1 - 800 - 231 - 2222).
Prepaid tickets. it's easy to purchase a ticket for a friend or family member no matter how far away they may be. Just call or go to your nearest Greyhound terminal(车站) and ask for details on how to buy a prepaid ticket.

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