2020年小学英语四年级下册《Module8 Unit2The capital of America is Washington, D.C.》(一起点精编版

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Module8 Unit2
The capital of America is Washington, D.C.
本模块以讨论美国首都及北美三国的地理位置为主要内容。本节课是第八模块的第二课时,主要是学习Module 8 Unit 2对话。
巴塞罗那椅1. 知识目标
⑴能够听、说、认读、理解单词:east,west, south, north, speak, Washington D.C., Canada, Mexico。
⑵能够听懂、认读、表达和运用重点句Washington, D.C. is in the east of America. Canada is to the north of America. Mexico is to the south.
2. 技能目标
⑴能够在正确朗读语篇、获取语篇信息、回答语篇相关问题的基础上,运用第一单元所学句式结构“…in the east/west of …”介绍美国华盛顿的地理位置;同时运用新的句型“…to the east/west/north/south of …”描述加拿大、美国以及墨西哥之间位置关系。
3. 情感目标
1. 重点
掌握单词east,west,south, north;功能句:Canada is to the north of America. Mexico is to the south.并能运用介绍城市及国家间的地理
一 Warming up
1. Good afternoon, boys and girls. Today I ’m your English teacher. I ’m Rebecca. So you can call me Rebecca. Very nice to meet you again, boys and girls.
To get started, let ’s watch a video. OK?
Just now we saw some beautiful pictures about a country. Do you like them?
What country is it? Yes, it ’s America.
What cities did you see? Can you remember?
(You can say “I saw …”. )
Los Angeles, New York and Washington, D.C.
华盛顿. 粘
2. Let ’s talk about more about these cities. Look at the map of America.
Where ’s Los Angeles/New York? Who lives in New York?旅行者一号
(Pay attention, in the east.)
二 Presentation
1. And where ’s Washington, D.C.? Do you know it?
Look at this map. Where is it?
(Is it in the east or the west?)
PPT: (You try, please.)  x 2    Say to your partners.
(Where ’s Washington, D.C.?)
We can also say BB: It ’s in the east of America.
2. Do you know that Washington, D.C. is a specail city as Beijing and London?
You know Beijing is the capital of China, and London is the capital of England. So means?  Read.
And which city is the capital of America?
(Is that true?) Let ’s watch the CD-ROM.
Which city is the capital of America?
.  跟读  Pairwork.
What ’s the capital of China? We can say …
How about England/America?
3. Who want s  to be a tour guide to introduce Washington, D.C.?  x 3 + together  (Good tour guide! I like your introduction. You can introduce clearly.)
4. Look at the name of Washington, D.C. Do you think it’s special?
Have you ever heard “Washington”? Actually, it's a name.
Look, Washington is him. His full name is George Washington. The first president of America. So the capital named after him.
And this is the badge of Washington, D.C. On the badge, it says the meaning of “D.C.”. “D.C.” is for District of Columbia.
5. Let’s know more about the whole country. Look, a world map. Where’s America? You know, America is a country of immigrants. That means people from different countries come and live in America. So in America, you can find people of different colors. And one question comes, what language do people in America speak ? English or Chinese? Let’s watch the CD-ROM and make sure of your prediction.
What language do people in America speak?
Do we speak English? No, we speak Chinese.
People in China speak Chinese.
? (p—b) People in America speak English. x 2 (in a)
6. Look, what’s this?
It’s a compass. Chinese people invented it.
Do you know the meaning of “W”? “W” means west and “E” means east. What does “N” mean? “N” is for north and “S” is for south. (th) Look at this compass. Do as me. North, north , south, south.
Let’s have a competition. I point and you say. (What’s the direction?)
7. Look at this map. Do you know these countries?
They’re America, Canada and Mexico.
8. Two more questions for you. Where’s Canada and where’s Mexico? Let’s watch again.
PPT: Canada is to the north of America. x 2
(Where’s Canada?)
Talk to your partners.
How about Mexico?
Mexico is to the south of America.
Read      Introduce to your partners.
(Where ’s Mexico?)
河南新乡旅游景点大全介绍This time, cooperate with your partners.
One introduces Canada and the other one introduce Mexico.  x 3  + together
9. Now we know Canada and Mexico. Pay attention, are they in an America? (Look at  the screen, yes or no?) So where ’s Canada/Mexico? Please payattention to use “to the  north ” and “to the south ”.
However, look at New York and Los Angeles. They ’re American cities. Are they in a America? So where ’s New York/Los Angeles? How about Washington D.C.? It ’s also in America. So pay attention to use “in ”. Have you got it?
10.Chant.  Let ’s have a relax.
Just listen and clap your hand. Read. Let ’s chant twice with the music.
Do you like this chant?
11.This time open your textbook. P32  It ’s time to listen and repeat.
Listen carefully and try to imitate.
12.Can you understand the whole text? Let ’s have a check.
Fill in the blanks. Discuss with your partners first. Le t’s finish it together.
Who can take up this challenge? (Who can finish the first sentence?)  4+1
三 Practice
1. Open your Activity book  P32  Take out your pencils.
Let ’s fill in “Canada, Mexico, Los Angeles and New York ” in this map.
(Are you right?)
2. Let ’s turn to talking about our China.
Look at these cities. How many?
Where ’s Zhengzhou? It ’s here. And where ’s Beijing?
(Who can use this sentence pattern?)
How about the other cities? Let ’s read them first.
Try to talk about these cities with your partners.
(If you can’t see clearly, there’s also a map in your book on page 32.)
Who wants to introduce …? (四个城市)x 1
3. Let’s move on. Here is a map of a community. Is it beautiful?
What are there in it?
Children, it’s spring now. I want to go to the park. Where is it? Who can you help me?
Where do you want to go? Who can show the way for him? (Where’s …)
Choose one place you like to practice with your partners.
Pair work. x 1
(If you’ve got a toothache, how do you ask way for the hospital?)
4. Do you like this community? Look, here is a new one.! If you live in this new community, do you want to design it by yourselves?
Look at my work. A park is to the north of the school. I can see beautiful flowers there.
广平天气预报A supermarket is to the south of the school. A KFC is to the west of the school. If I’m hungry. I can eat hamburgers! And a hospital is to the east.
That is my design. What about yours? Do you also want to design it?
Take our this piece of paper. Write down the places you design. And then discuss with your group.
These phrases and sentence patterns can help you. And if you have other problems, ask me for help.
(Beautiful/Practical design. I like your design. You’re a specail designer.)
(Give me five!)
(Come to the front.) Listen carefully, after his presentation, I have questions for you. What’s to the …? Where’s the …? Can you remember?
After class, you can draw beautiful pictures about your design in this piece of paper,

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