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Alice: Excuse me, Henry. I can’t find my new pen. Can you help me?
Henry: OK. Is your pen green?
Alice: Yes.
Henry: Is it under your desk?
Alice: No, it isn’t here.
Henry: Is it in your book on the desk?
Alice: Let me see. Oh, yes. Thank you, Henry.
Henry: Not at all.
1、What is Alice looking for? (  )
A.A pen.    B.A rubber.    C.A ball pen.
2、Is it new? (  )
A.We don’t know.    B.Yes, it is.    C.No, it isn’t.
3、What colour is it? (  )
A.Green.    B.Yellow.    C.Red.
4、Where is it? (  )
A.It’s under the desk.    B.It’s on the book.    C.It’s in the book.
5、________ helps Alice. (  )
A.Yang Ling    B.Henry    C.Alice’s mother
Hello! Look at me. Who am I? Look! I have a red flower and green leaves. I have thin and small roots. Thanks to (多亏) my straight (笔直的) stalk (茎), I can stand in winter. Many friends don’t like winter, but I like it very much. People all like me.  Because l am a symbo
l (象征) of happiness and good luck (好运). I am from Mexico (墨西哥). I’m a Christmas Flower.
6、—What do you have? (   )
A.A red flower.    B.Green leaves.    C.A red flower and green leaves.
7、—Are your roots thin or thick? (   )
A.They’re thick.    B.They’re thin.    C.They’re long and thin.
8、—How is the stalk? (   )
A.It’s straight.    B.It’s thin.    C.It’s thick.白水洋天气
9、I am from ________. (   )
A.USA    B.Australia    C.Mexico
10、My name is ________. (   )
A.Sunflower    B.Christmas Flower    C.Rose
(Amy and Chen Jie are in the classroom.)
Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.
Chen Jie: Really?
Amy: Look! It’s black and white.
Chen Jie: Wow! It’s a panda. What's in your schoolbag?
Amy: An English book, a maths book, a Chinese book and three storybooks.
Chen Jie: It’s a fat panda.
11、Where are Amy and Chen Jie? (    )
A.In the classroom.    B.At Lost & Found.
12、Which one (哪一个) is Amy’s schoolbag? (    )
A.哈尔滨景区排名前十名    B.
13、What colour is Amy’s schoolbag? (    )
A.Blue and white.    B.Black and white.
14、How many books are in Amy’s schoolbag? (    )
A.6.    B.5、
15、Amy’s schoolbag is _______. (    )
A.old    B.new
It is Christmas Day. There is a big party in the house. Then the bell rings. Several people shout, "Come in!" A small man opens the front door and comes in. Nobody knows him, but the host goes to meet him and takes him to the bar for a drink. The man sits there happily and has a drink. Suddenly, he says to the host, "Nobody invited me to this party. I don’t know you. I don’t know any of your guests. My wife and I want to get out of our car, but one of your guest’s cars is in front of our gate. So I come here. My wife is waiting in our car for me to go back."
16、There is a __________ party in the house. (    )
A.Christmas    B.birthday    C.New Year
17、The small man comes into the house from the __________. (    )
A.window    B.back door    C.front door
18、__________ at the party knows the small man. (    )
A.Everybody    B.Nobody    C.The host
19、The small man goes to the party because __________. (    )
A.he wants to have a drink    B.the host invites him
C.a guest’s car is in front of his gate
20、Which of the following sentences is WRONG? (    )
A.It is December 25th.
B.The small man’s wife is in the car now.
C.The host knows why the small man comes when he comes in.
Alice: Excuse me, Henry. I can’t find my new pen. Can you help me?
Henry: OK. Is your pen green?
Alice: Yes.
Henry: Is it under your desk?
Alice: No, it isn’t here.
Henry: Is it in your book on the desk?
Alice: Let me see. Oh, yes. Thank you, Henry.
Henry: Not at all.
21、What is Alice looking for? (  )
A.A pen.    B.A rubber.    C.A ball pen.
22、Is it new? (  )
A.We don’t know.    B.Yes, it is.    C.No, it isn’t.
23、What colour is it? (  )
A.Green.    B.Yellow.    C.Red.
杭州酒店式公寓24、Where is it? (  )
A.It’s under the desk.    B.It’s on the book.    C.It’s in the book.
25、________ helps Alice. (  )
克里特岛神话A.Yang Ling    B.Henry    C.Alice’s mother
I’m very hungry and come to a big tree. I look up and find it is a strange(奇怪的)tree. I can’t see any fruit on it, but some other food: cakes, potato chips, hamburgers, eggs and meat.
“What would you like, my boy?” An old voice(声音)comes.
“I want some potato chips, some cakes, some meat and eggs.” I answer.
“OK. Here you are.” I eat and eat. Then I ask: “Who are you, grandpa?”
“My name is Tree.”
“Thanks for your nice food, Grandpa Tree.”
“You’re welcome. What else would you like, my boy?” He asks again.
“Oh, I’m full(饱)now. But I am thirsty. Could you give me something to drink?” I say, “I want a bottle of coke, a bag of milk, some orange juice or some Chinese tea.

本文发布于:2023-08-01 16:22:01,感谢您对本站的认可!



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