阅读理解题目及答案(Have you evey bought

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阅读理解题目及答案(Have you evey bought
Have you ever bought something and then changed your mind?For Alison Jenson,15,this used to happen several times a wee k.Alison was a shopaholic.She just couldn't stop shopping and she loved special offers.
Alison's bedroom is full of stuff."I've been to every shop in Birmingham,I think,"says Alison.She picks up some earrings.The la bels are still on them."These were half price,"she says."I've never won them."Alison's problem wasn't just jewellery.She also boug ht a lot of clothes,though not many shoes,because they were usually too expensive.She has also bought lots of other small things-like 20 new covers for her phone.She hasn't used any of them.合肥有什么好玩的
According to experts,we all feel excited after we buy something new.For shopaholics,it's a little different.Soon after they buys omething,they think they've made a mistake and start to feel unhappy.So they buy themselves something else to feel happier.
Psychologists(心理学家)first described the problems of shopaholics in 1915.However,there was very little research on the su bject until recently.Now,doctors think thousands of people suffer from the problem,and the situation is getting worse.There are also more teenage shopaholics now,although most young people don't have enough money to go shopping very regularly.
Alison knew she had a problem."I often bought something every day.Usually it was something small,but I just needed to buy i t,"she says."I spent money that I got for my birthday,and when I was short of cash,I borrowed money from friends or my parents.
When I couldn't go shopping,I felt anxious.Then one day,my parents just looked at all the stuff in my room and said,This is crazy!九寨沟恢复开放
'Iknew they were right."I needed some big changes in my life.
Alison now gets help with her problem and feels she has changed.She no longer thinks she's a shopaholic."When I want to buy something in a shop,I ask myself two questions,
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(1) What do experts say about shopaholics?
A. Shopaholics feel sad when they are shopping.
B. Shopaholics soon feel unhappy after they have bought something.
C. Shopaholics feel more excited than other people when they shop.
D. Shopping is the only way shopaholics can feel happy.
(2) The underlined word"they"in Paragraph 5 refers to.
A. psychologists
B. doctors
C. Alison's parents
D. Alison's friends密云清凉谷旅游风景区
(3) Which word can best describe Alison's feeling at the end of the passage?
A. Glad.
B. Worried.
人力社会资源保障局电话C. Embarrassed.
D. Moved.
(4) The best title for the passage above might be.
A. Shop Till You Drop!
B. Shopping Makes Me Happy!
C. You'd Better Shop Less!
D.I Can Stop Shopping Now!

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