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1. How _________ was the hole?
A deeply  B depth  C deep  D down
2. Where did they ______ the hole?
A dig  B digging  C dug  D have dug
3. The coin was almost worthless. So it was of small ______.
A worthy  B honour  C price  D value
4. They hoped to find buried treasure. They hoped they ______ it.
A would find  B had found  C will find  D are going to find
5. A lot of cars entered for this race. There were ______ cars in it.
A much  B lot of  C lots of  D plenty
6. _____ in 1885, so it was the oldest car in the race.
A It built  B Built  C It was built  D Having built
7. It was different from modern cars. It wasn’t ______ modern cars.
A the same as  B the same with  C same with  D same as
8. Many of the cars broke down. They _____.
A were in pieces  B were broken up  C couldn’t go  D were spolit
9. The most unusual car was a Benz. It wasn’t a _____ car.
A used  B common  C vulgar  D accustomed
10. There are about twenty students in the class, but Mike is____________ strongest.六安市人民政府
A a  B an  C the  D one
11. She bought the dress ______ she has first asked for.
A who  B what  C that  D whom
12. The woman stood at the window. She stood ____ it.
A in front  B in front of  C front  D ahead of
13. The assistant _____ her did not like the way she was dressed.
A served  B serving  C who serving  D was serving
14. She sought out the rude assistant. He had been ___polite.
A un-  B im-  C in-  D dis-
15. He has developed another bad _____.
A habit  B custom  C use  D usefulness
16. My husband removed the gate. He _____.
A took it in  B took it away  C took it on  D took it up
17. The write went ___ last week.
A for shopping  B for shop  C to shopping  D shopping
杭州西湖的历史背景18. He would bark until someone opened the gate. That’s what he ____.
A is used to doing  B used  C is used to  D used to do
19. The neighbours complained ____ the noise.
A for  B to  C in  D about
20. He was barking ____ let him in.
A for someone to  B in case someone  C so someone to  D so that someone
21. It is very important. __________ you or I must do it.
A Neither  B Both  C Either  D All
22. She intends to stay for a few days. That’s what she _____ to do.
A is about  B plans  C is due  D hopes
23. I decided to visit a fortune-teller. That’s what I ____ to do.
A made up  B made up my mind  C minded  D cared
24. Crystal is a kind of _____.
A glass  B metal  C wood  D plastic
25. A woman you know well will rush towards you. She will _____.
A be in a hurry  B be slow  C be tired  D be angry
26. She was impatient. She _____.
A was angry  B was cross  C didn’t speak  D didn’t like waiting
27. —— You look so beautiful in this white skirt.
—— __________.保时捷卡宴
A That's all right.  B Thank you.  C Not at all.  D You are welcome.
28. I want to buy ________.世界公园门票多少钱
A something eat  B something to eat  C anything to eat  D anything eat
29. Do you know ______ this word?
滁州市第一人民医院A what to spell  B how to spell  C to spell  D spell
30. Be quiet! The children ________.
A sleep  B are sleeping  C slept  D is sleeping
31. So far _____ of them has been struck down by sudden death.
A no one  B nobody  C not any  D none
32. It is a tiny village. It is very _____.
A big  B great  C small  D famous
33. The number of visitors has increased. The number has ___.
A grown  B grown up  C overgrown  D grown old
34. Decide for yourself. This one __________ that one?
A but  B or  C nor  D and
35. It __________ when he got up.
A is snowing  B was snowing  C has snowed
Our dog, Rex, used to__36__outside our front gate and dark. Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks __37__him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. Rex soon became an expert at __38__the gate.
However, when I ___39__shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate. This time he was barking __40__someone would let him out! Since then, he has developed another bad habit. As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begins barking again. Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since.

本文发布于:2023-08-06 00:08:30,感谢您对本站的认可!



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