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    The Sahara Desert
    The Sahara Desert is the world’s largest desert and occupies about 10% of the total area of Africa. It spans over 3.5 million square miles, covering vast swathes of North Africa. It is so large that it can be seen from space. It is a harsh, dry environment that receives an average of only 4 inches of rain a year. Though mostly desolate, the Sahara Desert also hosts a wide variety of flora and fauna.
    The climate in the Sahara Desert is generally hot and dry, with temperatures ranging from hot and dry days to cold and even freezing nights. Rainfall is generally sparse, with an average of only 4 inches per year. Due to the extreme heat, the desert is home to a unique selection of desert animals, including lizards, snakes, foxes, and sand cats.
    The Sahara Desert is also home to a number of other geographical features, such as san
d dunes, gravel plains, and salt flats. The desert is also home to a large number of oases, which provide water sources and a haven for human habitation. The Sahara Desert is divided into several distinct regions, including the Western, Central, and Eastern Sahara.
哈尔滨雪乡天气    The Sahara Desert is an incredible landscape that is full of fascinating sights, from the sculpted sand dunes of the Western Sahara to the white salt flats of the Central Sahara. Despite its harsh environment, the Sahara Desert maintains a rich biodiversity and is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. The Sahara Desert is an often forgotten area of the world, but one that is worth exploring and protecting.。北京环球影城票价

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