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1.How was Eric’s weekend?
A.    B.    C.
2.When did Tom clean the house?
A.    B.    C.
3.What time does Mr. Li usually go to work?
A.At 7:50.    B.At 8:20.    C.At 8:10.
4.Where does the girl want to go?
A.The fruit store.    B.The food store.    C.The clothes store.
5.What does Molly look like?
A.She wears glasses.    B.She is of medium build.    C.She has short hair.
6.What time does Kate go to school?
A.At about half past six.    B.At about seven.    C.At about half past seven.
7.How does Kate go to school?
A.By bus.    B.By subway.    C.By like.
8.What does Tina have?
A.A new basketball.    B.A new volleyball.    C.A new tennis ball.
9.What are Tina’s favorite animals?
A.Giraffes.    B.Elephants.    C.Pandas.
10.Why does Bob like elephants best?
A.Because they are friendly.    B.Because they are smart.    C.Because they are beautiful.
你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。
11.What time is it now?
A.It’s 10:    B.It’s 11:    C.It’s 11:
12.How old is Alice?
A.8.    B.9.    C.10.
13.Where is Mrs. Green?
A.At a supermarket.    B.In a hospital.    C.At home.
14.Who is helping Mrs. Black make dumplings?
A.Her mother.    B.Her daughter.    C.Her son.
15.What is Mr. White doing?
A.Cleaning the house.    B.Reading a newspaper.    C.Watching TV.
Information Sheet
In the morning
Picked ____16____临安旅游景点排名前十.
杭州新闻网____17____ the cows.
Took ____18____.
In the afternoon
Picked up   ____19____.
Fed chickens and ____20____.
21.________, we got back home before the heavy rain came.
A.Friendly    B.Luckily    C.Usually    D.Lovely
22.—Steve, what are you doing these days?
一I ________ a great book.
A.am reading    B.read    C.reds    D.is reading
23.— Lisa ________ goes to school late.
— Yes, she gets up early every day.
A.always    B.usually    C.often    D.never
24.— ________ is it from the park to the city center?
— About fifty minutes by subway.
A.How much    B.How far    C.How often    D.How long
25.—Did you have fun camping in the mountain?
—No. It’s not easy to find a good place to ________ our tents.
A.get up    B.pick up    C.stay up    D.put up
26.— Does Miss Zhang have long or short hair?
— ________.
A.Long hair    B.Yes,she has long hair
C.No,she doesn’t    D.She is tall
27.It takes _________ one hour _________ his homework.
A.he; do    B.him; do    C.him; to do    D.his; to do
28.—Would you like some strawberries?
A.No problem    B.It’s OK
C.No, I wouldn’t    D.Yes, please
29.—How was your holiday last weekend?
—Good. I ________ to the mountains with my brother.
A.go    B.went    C.will go    D.am going
30.—Excuse me, is there a hotel around here?
—Yes. Go straight and ________, and then you can find the hotel.
A.turn left    B.turn to right    C.turn the right    D.turn the left
Today is Saturday. It’s cloudy and cold outside. Liu Ting and ___31___ parents usually go to the park on Saturdays. ___32___ this Saturday they’re at home all day. ___33___ are they doing?
Liu Ting loves talk shows. She’s watching I CAN I BB ___34___ her phone. She likes Ra
n Gaoming and Xiao Lu. She says, “Ran Gaoming reads a lot and I can ___35___ a lot from him. Xiao Lu is very ___36___ and often makes me laugh(笑).”
Liu Ting’s mother likes ___37___. She often reads books. Now she’s watching Reader on the computer. The reader today is from America. He ___38___ Chinese well.
What’s Liu Ting’s ___39___ doing? He’s watching The Best Singer on TV. He thinks every singer is good, but his ____40____ is Liu Yang. In his eyes, she’s very smart.
31.A.his    B.your    C.her    D.my
32.A.But    B.And    C.Or    D.So
33.A.Where    B.How    C.Why    D.What
34.A.in    B.on    C.about    D.for
35.A.learn    B.order    C.dream    D.pay
36.A.quiet    B.important    C.funny    D.bad
37.A.writing    B.reading    C.running    D.riding
38.A.tells    B.says    C.talks    D.speaks
39.A.mother    B.father    C.sister    D.brother
40.A.favorite    B.answer    C.child    D.taste
Dear Anna,
How’s it going? My birthday is coming. And on 胡里山炮台简介____41____ evening, I will have a birthday party in my house. I hope you can come. But it’s ____42____ easy to find my place. So now I tell you ____43____ you can get here.
Here is a ____44____. It can help you find where my house is. Go down Long Street and don’t turn left. Just walk straight for about five minutes, and you can see a bus stop on your left. You can take the No. 5 bus and get off(下车)at the 5th stop. ____45____ you are on New Street. ____46____ along the street and you can see a ____47____. And the 四月份适合去哪里旅游国内
neighborhood I live in is ____48____ the bank. When you ____49____ the gate(大门)of my neighborhood, please call me. On Friday, the party will start at 6 o’clock p. m. Many of my friends will come. And you can also bring your friends here. My mom will make many ____50____ delicious foods for us. We can sing and dance together. I think we can have a good time that day.

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