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Cod meat is white and tender, not greasy, and the protein in the meat is higher than salmon, pomfret, anchovy, and striped fish, but the fat in the meat is only 0.5% like that of sharks, and it is called "nutritionist on the table".
韶关丹霞山图片恶心Newfoundland, one of the world's four largest fisheries, is located at the northeast end of Canada, where the cold and warm currents meet, which is rich in fishery resources and is the home of cod, which is known by locals as "stepping on the back of the cod ridge to get ashore". With the wanton fishing and ecological degradation of the last century, cod seems to be difficult to find. But industry experts have analyzed that in the next few years, the cod industry will rise again, and those who love cod do not have to worry about it.
新西兰旅游视频In this rich Coast of Katong, you can taste fresh deep-sea treasures all year round, let people enjoy the pure taste from North America, in addition to the famous cod (scientific name Atlantic Cod), as well as wild Arctic shrimp, Canadian lobster, Canadian snow crab, Atlantic herring, mackerel, Greenland flounder, Atlantic flounder, spring fish, emerald snails
墨西哥签证中心and so on, as a traveling diners how to resist the delicious taste from the North Atlantic! This time it's for them, heading north along the Gulf of St. Lawrence, letting the tip of your tongue float with a fresh taste and your heart resting on the coast of Katong.

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