人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 6 综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (2)

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人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 6 主题素质评价
时间:60分钟 满分:100分
听力部分  (30分)
1. ________  2. ________  3. ________  4. ________  5. ________
1. Tina        2. Lucy      3. Lily      4. Kate        5. Peter
________  ________    ________  ________    ________
三、Tina正在向朋友分享她所在班级的儿童节照片。请你听一听,判断下列句子正(T) 误(F) 。(5分)
(  ) 1. Tina is a student of Class One, Grade Three.
(  ) 2. Children's Day is on July 1st in China.
(  ) 3. In the picture, Tina is singing a song.
(  ) 4. Peter is playing the guitar for Tina.
(  ) 5. They had a good time that day.
Today is 1. ____________. It's 2. ____________and 3. ____________. Tina and her family go to the 4. ____________. There are many people playing there. Look at Tina's 5. ____________. What is she doing? She is 6. ____________ by the sea. Tina is taking 7. ____________ with her little sister, Lily. Where is Tina's father? He's 8. ____________ in the sea. What a 9. ____________ time! They all 10. ____________ themselves.
笔试部分    (70分)
1. Lily is my little sister. She is________________(young) than me. 国内三日游推荐 三日游去哪里好
2. Pink is________________(she) favourite colour.
3. She is so interested in________________(dance) .
4. She wants to________________(be) a dancer in the future.
5. She is one of the____________(tall) girls in our school. So she _____________ (play) basketball well.
6. We__________(begin) to learn Chinese three years ago. Now we can __________ (talk) in Chinese.
7. Traveling is ___________(we) hobby. We are going to ____________(travel) around the world in the future.
(  ) 1. Li Yan's parents will take her ________ the World Park.
    A. to       B. in        C. about
(  ) 2. ________is the capital of Britain.
    A. London      B. Washington, D.     C.  C. Paris
(  ) 3. Niagara Falls ________ in Canada.
    A. am      B. is      C. was
(  ) 4. Disneyland is ________ theme park in the world.
    A. the most famous      B. most famous      C. the famousest
(  ) 5. Would you like ________ to the cinema?
    A. go      B. to go      C. going
(  ) 6. They are波士顿大学世界排名 ________ their holidays.
    A. talking with      B. talking to      C. talking about
(  ) 7. The Great Wall of China is ________4,500 miles long.
    A. more than      B. most than      C. less than
(  ) 8. We're going ________ the Great Wall tomorrow morning.
    A. visit      B. visiting      C. to visit
(  ) 9. We're going to the Forbidden City ________ this Sunday.
    A. by      成都熊猫基地旅游攻略路线B. in      C. 不填
(  ) 10. The Great Wall is ________ the north of China.
    A. on      B. in      C. to
Kate: What did you do during the summer holidays?
Tina: 1. ________
Kate: 2. ________
Tina: I went to Singapore.
Kate: Is traveling your hobby?
Tina: Yes. 3. ________
Kate: Can I have a look at your pictures?
Tina: 4. ________ Look at this photo. 5. ________
Kate: It looks so great!
Tina: Thank you.
A. Sure.
B. Where did you go?
C. I was visiting Disneyland.
D. I went on a trip with my parents.
E. I'm interested in taking photos too.
Hello, everyone. My 1. n    is Tina. I'm from America but I 2. l    in China now. So China is my second hometown. I'll tell you something 3.
a      China. I advise you to come to Beijing if you want to 4. v      China. Because Beijing is the capital 5. c杭州周边旅游攻略经典二日游          of China. There are many 6. f        places in Beijing such 7. a        the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Ming Tombs. The Great Wall is the 8. l        wall in the world. Tomorrow I'll take you 9. t          some other interesting places. I hope all of you can 10. e          yourselves.
Traveling is good  1  us. It can  2  us have a good rest  3  we are tired of our work or study. We can enjoy  4  scenes. We can make some friends  5  the journey. However, the
  6  often changes. There is often__7__rain and we may have  8  cold in our journey.   9  we should find a friend. We can help  10  when in trouble.

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