黄浦江游船 英语导游词

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方特的门票多少钱一张A cruise on the Huangpu River(黄浦江游船)
The Huangpu River can also be called Chunchen River,as the story goes,the king of Chu state in300year BC,during the Spring and Autumn period make one of his mimisters chunshen the king of Shanghai,hence''shen''another name for Shanghai,come from Chunshen.The upper reaches of the Huangpu River rise from Dianshan Lake.The river,yellow in color and ice free all year round,totals114 kilometers in length,and averages400meters wide and9meters deep.旅游线路行程表
清远旅游攻略自由行The Bund,known as the''ten-li long foreign market''is the epitome of modern shanghai history,North of the nem Bund are the Waibaidu Bridge and Huangpu park,both built in the Qing DY.This park,which reminds people of the humiliating history of the Chinese in the old days,now has prominent3-pillar monument:the shanghai memorial tower of people's heroes..
海岛奇兵官方正版下载Shanghai Harbor is china's commerical heart,trading with more than400port cities in over160countries and regions of the world.The yearly volume of freight amounts to140million tons.As a resurt,shanghai Harbor is considered one of the ten busiest ports in the world.
When an excursion boat arrives at the Wusong mouth,the old Semiciraular fortress looms large through the fog.These are the ruins of an ancient battlefield where general Chenhua Cheng and his sol营山天气
iders fought to death during the opium war in 1840.In the turbulent water there lies a stone breakwater which looks like a huge dragon,it was built to slow down the rapid currents of the Yangtze River from the flooding.At a high tide,the three curents from the Huangpu Changjiang and Eastchina sea meet at the Wusong mouth,presenting a brilliant display of ever-changing hues,popularing knowed as the''three-layer-waters''.
草原天路图片 实拍The scenic Huangpu River,the birthplace of Shanghai,invites you to enjoy its unique character and flavor!

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