(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题一 语法 专题限时检测(二)形容

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专题限时检测() 形容词副词和介词(短语)
1(2017·苏镇高三一模)The man was in a ______condition with severe injuries to his legs after being attacked by a shark in far north Queensland.
Askeptical          Bcritical
Cpractical    Dphysical
解析:选B 句意:那个男子在昆士兰偏远的北部地区被一条鲨鱼攻击后腿部受伤严重病情危急critical此处意思为严重的符合语境skeptical“怀疑的practical“切实可行的physical“身体的
2(2017·南通徐州高三联考) The female driver was criticized online after being beaten up for ______ lane changes.
Aabrupt    Boffensive
Caccidental    Dslight
解析:选A 句意:这个女司机因为突然变道被打后在网上受到批评abrupt“突然的offensive“冒犯的accidental“偶然的slight“轻微的
3(2017·南京淮安高三一模)If they throw stones at you, don't throw back. Use them to build your own foundation ________.
Asomehow    Banyway
Cinstead    Dnevertheless
解析:选C 句意:如果他们向你扔石头不要扔回去相反用这些石头建自己的地基instead“代替反而符合语境somehow“不知怎地anyway“无论如何nevertheless“不过然而
4(2017·镇江高三一模)More employers now offer fresh college graduates ________jobs,
hoping to seek out experienced candidates.
Acontemporary    Btemporary
Cpermanent    Dprimitive
解析:选东方绿舟门票多少钱一张B 句意:现在更多的雇主给大学毕业生提供临时工作希望到有经验的应征者contemporary“当代的temporary“暂时的permanent“永久的primitive“原始的
5(2017·南通泰州扬州高三一模)There are no ______proposals to reduce the road accidents. We are still seeking inspiration.
A龙川霍山旅游景点大全contradictory    Bconcrete
Cconfidential    Dcontroversial
解析:选B 句意:没有具体的减少道路事故的建议我们仍然在寻灵感contradictory“矛盾的concrete“具体的confidential“机密的controversial“有争议的
6(2017·南京师大附属实验学校高三检测) China may as well keep its growth rate above 7 percent. ________ the rate may be set between 6 to 7 percent, for the sake of a healthy environment.
ADifferently    BAlternatively
CAccordingly    DConversely
解析:选B 句意:中国可能会保持7%以上的增长率或者为了健康的环境这个增长率可能设置在6%7%之间alternatively“二者择其一地或者符合语境differently“不同地accordingly“相应地因此conversely“相反地
7(2017·常州高三一模)In order to attract American students to the ________Chinese arts, Zhao and her team have turned to master musicians, magicians and martial artists.
Aauthentic    Bconfidential
Ctentative    Dartificial
解析:选A 句意:为了使地道的中国艺术对美国学生具有吸引力赵和她的团队向音乐家魔术师及武术家们请教authentic“真正的地道的confidential“机密的tentative“试验性的暂定的踌躇的artificial“人造的仿造的
8(2017·南通上海中青旅旅行社电话徐州高三联考) Rather than sticking to the principles stubbornly, China is now adopting a new concept in economic policies in a(n) ______ way that shows its own characteristics.
Asustainable    Bflexible
Cinvisible    Davailable
解析:选B 句意:不是固执地坚持原则中国正在用灵活的方法经济政策方面现在采纳一个新概念这展示了它独特特征flexible“灵活的符合语境sustainable“可持续的invisible“不可见的available“可利用的
9普吉岛自由行攻略最详细(2017·苏镇高三一模) ________individual players, we have a great team but the problem is that they don't play football together well at all.
AOn top of    BBy means of
CIn terms of    DIn case of
解析:选C 句意:就球员个人来说我们有一支伟大的球队但问题在于他们在一起踢球时根本踢不好in terms of“在……方面符合语境on top of“除了by means of“通过北京平谷旅游景点……方式in case of“万一如果
10(2017·常州高三一模) We'd visited the village without warning and selected our interview subjects ________ so that we would get the real data.
Abeyond description    Bin particular
Cby accident    Dat random
解析:选D 句意:我们在没有预约的情况下拜访了这个村子随机选择采访对象以便得到真实的数据beyond description“无法形容难以形容in particular“尤其特别by accident“偶然意外地at random“随机地任意地
11(2017·南通市高三一模)Many universities throughout the world provide scholarships for students ________financial aid.
Ain favour of    Bin need of
Cin the face of    Din honour of
解析:选B 句意:世界上很多大学给那些需要经济支持的学生提供奖学金 in favour of“支持in need of“需要in the face of“面对in honour of“为了纪念为向……表示敬意
12(2017·通宿高三一模)Though lacking the necessary working experience, my cousin got the job ________her confidence and flexibility.
Ain terms of    Bin response to
Cby virtue of    Dwith respect to
解析:选C 句意:虽然我表妹缺乏必要的工作经验但是她凭借她的自信和灵活性得到
了那份工作in terms of“就……而言……方面in response to“响应回答……有反应by virtue of“凭借……的力量with respect to“关于至于
13(2017·苏北四市高三一模)Pingyao has been listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO_____ its conserved ancient city layout.
Ain charge of    Bin defence of
Cin search of    Din recognition of
解析:选D 句意:平遥已被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产这是对平遥保存完好的古城布局的认可in charge of“负责主管in defence of“保护防护……辩护in search of“寻搜寻in recognition of“作为对……的认可
14(2017·江苏省重点中学高三联考) Purchases online are to be believed provided that you and the seller have communicated and reached a compromise ________the wishes of both parties.
Ain defense of    Bin view of
Cin line with    Din company with
第一人民医院解析:选C 句意:只要你和所联系的卖家就双方的意愿达成一致网上购物是可以信赖的in line with“一致符合语境in defense of“防卫……辩护in view of“鉴于in company with“一起

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