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瑞士风景最好的地方1.    Mount Wuyishan武夷山: Lying in the north part of Fujian Province, Mount Wuyishan is one of the earliest excellent tourist cities in China, the state-level key scenic spot, state natural reserve, state-level tourist resort, and first class airport. It was listed by UNESCO on the World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites in December 1999.  Mount. Wuyishan is blessed with beautiful scenery, rich human resources, lots of historic relics, and abundant natural resources. The average annual temperature is 17-19 ˚c. It is suitable for tourism all the year round.
2.    Gulangyu Islet乐山大佛最佳观景点鼓浪屿: Lying at the southwestern corner of Xiamen Island, it covers an area of 1.91 square kms, with a population of over 20,000. The islet is blessed with many musicians. The density of piano on the islet is number one in China. Many different style architecture buildings have been kept on the islet. The islet enjoys the reputation as “ The Piano Island”  “ Home of Music”  “ Museum of 10,000 styles of architectures.” On the islet, one can enjoy both the beauty of the scenery and the fragrance of the flowers without been annoyed by the noise of traffic. It is the first choice by tourists when you come to Xiamen.
3.    Golden Lake of Taining泰宁大金湖塘沽旅游攻略 必玩的景点: Lying in Sanming city, it is the state-level key scenic spot, state-level Grade 4A tourist zone, national forest park, and was awarded Global Geo-Park in Feb. 2005. In the ancient town of Taining, one can find not only the best-kept residential buildings of the Ming Dynasty in the South of Yangtze River, the building groups of relics under the state preservation, but also visit the well-maintained streets, alleys and residential houses of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
4.    Meizhou Island湄洲岛: Lying at the estuary of Meizhou Bay in the middle part of the West Bank of the Taiwan Straits, it covers an area of 14.35 square kms, 1.8 nautical miles away from the Wenjia wharf on the mainland, and 72 nautical miles away from the Taizhong Port of Taiwan. It has always been the bridgehead for the exchanges among people between Fujian and Taiwan. It is the home of Mazu, the world famous “ Peaceful Sea Goddess” and the origin place of Mazu culture. The Unique Mazu culture is strongly attractive to overseas Chinese, especially Taiwanese Compatriots. 
5.    Guanzaishan Mountain冠豸山Being 1.5 kms to the east of Liancheng County, western part of Fujian, it is named after the shape of the mountain which is similar to the ancient official hat. Covering an area of 123 square kms, it composes Guanzai mountain, shimen lake, Zhu’an Stockaded Village, Qishi Stockaded Village and Jiulong Lake.  The Mountain is both magnificent and beautiful with rising peaks, green mountains and clear water, integrating hills, water, rocks, caves, spring, temple and garden in one scene. In addition, the Hakka culture enriches its culture connotation.
6.    Taoyuan Cave (Peach Blossom Cave)桃源洞: Lying in the north part of Yong’an City, one of the excellent tourist cities of China, by the state highway 205, covering an area of 28.78 square kms, The resort is composed of five scenic spots, such as Taoyuan cave, Baizhang Rock, Xiuzhu Bay, Geli and Pinglv Pool. It is named because of its magnificent peaks, beautiful hills and clear water, just like a land of peach blossoms. The “One-thread-sky”, once highly praised by Xu Xiake, a well-know traveler, won the Guiness Record.
7.    Qingyun Mountain秦岭野生动物园免费预约青云山: Lying in Yongtai county of Fuzhou City. The main peak is 1130 meters above sea level. Covering an area of 50 square kms, it boasts 9 peaks of 1000m high, with 9 streams running through it. In the Song Dynasty, Xiao Guoliang, a scholar used to study hard on the mountain, and got number one during the official examination in Beijing, and was promoted from then one, becoming the first Number One Scholar in Yongtai, therefore, the mountain got its name “Qingyun”, meaning climbing up to the sky. There are tourist attractions like Qinglong Waterfall, Yuntian stone passage, White horse, ect.
8.    Mount Taimu太姥山: Lying in Fuding, eastern part of Fujian Province, it is 1008 meters above sea level, covering an area of 60 square kms. The landforms take its shape because of the incoming rising underground magma during Yanshan Movement. Facing the sea, it consists of six kinds of land forms, such as mountains and rivers, islands, waterfalls, ancient temples, villages and castles. It also enjoys the reputation as “ Fairyland on the Sea”. It is the state key scenic spot.
9.    Baishuiyang白水洋: Lying in Pingnan, east part of Fujian Province, it is surrounded by green hills, with two clear stream joining together on the rock bed which is about 80, 000 square meters, of which, the biggest one is over 40,000 square meters, with 182 meters in maximum width. The water shines in the sun, hence, “ Baishuiyang” ( White Water Ocean)
10.  Drum Mountain鼓山: Lying in the southeastern part of Fuzhou, northern bank of the Min River, it is 969 meters above sea level, covering an area of 1890 hectares. Drum Mountain is the state key scenic area. It is named after the huge rock on top of the mountain, sounding like drum beaten in rain and wind. It is green all year round with more than 160 places of interests and historical relics, such as Yongquan Temple ( Spring Gushing Temple), 18 tourist attractions of Damo, White Cloud Cave, and Guling, etc.

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