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Tourism of Maldives
Good afternoon, everyone! I’m very honorable to stand here to deliver my presentation. Today I will introduce the tourism of the beautiful island country-Maldives. My presentation consists of 4 parts: Brief Introduction, Statistics Analysis, Reasons of Development and Challenges.
番禺一日游必去的地方. Brief Introduction
罗城古镇简介At first, I want to show you the geographic position of Maldives through the map. From the map, we can know that Maldives lies to the south of India. It consists of 1200 islands and Male is the capital. It is located near the equator and surrounded by ocean from all sides. The unique location brings warm and wet weather all year round and it’s a place where winter never comes. The warm and wet weather and the large-area surrounding of the sea create advantageous natural conditions for the development of tourism. In addition to the scarcity of land which baffles the agriculture, tourism seems to play a pivotal role in the economy of Maldives.
When I was searching for pictures of Maldives, I was shocked by the astonishing beauty-the whole page of my computer is blue. There is an equation: 99% crystal clear water + 1% snow pure sand = 100% Maldives. These islands are described as a string of pearls scattered by God and the surrounding blue water is like a gorgeous screen of gem. The westerners are used to call Maldives “The Lost Paradise”.
. Statistics Analysis
In this part, I will show you some statistics to illustrate the characteristics of Maldivian tourism and its contribution to the whole economy.
First, let’s see where the tourists come from. From the table “tourists arrivals and markets share of top ten markets for 2008 and 2009”, we can find United Kingdom ranked No.1 in both the two years and among the ten countries, 6 of which are European countries and the rest 4 are from Asia. And from a more general table, we can also find Europe and Asia & the Pacific district are the main generating areas.
Second is the monthly distribution of tourist arrivals. The table and statistics are complicated, in a word, the period from October to the April of the next year are the peak seasons. Why? There are two main reasons: According to the previous tables, we have known that the tourists are mostly from Northern Hemisphere where October to April of the next year is the winter half year, so tourists come the Maldives to escape from the cold weather; At the same time, during the period, Maldives is not in its rainy season and it’s a really good place to enjoy the warm sunshine.
Third comes to tourism’s contribution to GDP. From the table, we can know tourism contributes about 30% to GDP. According to survey, tourism, maritime trade and fish industry are the three pillars of Maldives economy. It’s said that among four jobs, three of them are related to tourism. These numbers are enough to prove the importance of tourism in Maldives.
成都旅游指南Ⅲ. Reasons of Development
According to government reports, there are 87 islands engaged in tourism and about 20,0
福州好玩的地方排行榜乌镇自由行攻略00 beds in hotels with an average occupancy rate of 78%, and the average stay of tourists is 8 days. So the reasons why this small country can attract so many tourists and they are willing to stay here for such a long time arouse many curiosities. I have concluded 3 reasons.
The first reason must be the beautiful natural scenery. The blue and clear water, white beach, warm sunshine, exuberant tropical plants and different kinds of fishes, all of them fascinate tourists from all over the world. The words are powerless when describing scenery, let’s just enjoy some fabulous pictures. ( Show pictures.)
Second, the government plays a significant role. The government forms Maldives as a high-consumption and romantic place and successfully occupies the high-end tourism market. It declares Maldives as the world’s last Eden and the last paradise to attract tourists, especially many newly married couples to spend their honeymoons. At the same time, to attract more visitors, the government emphasizes on environmental protecting. Up to today, the water around Maldives is still very clear, even the area near the wharfs. T
he clear and fresh environment makes the place more appealing to visitors. And also, the government makes it more convenient to enter Maldives. Tourists are allowed to enter Maldives and stay for less than 30 days without getting visa in advance.
The third reason maybe that people are loath to say goodbye to the fabulous paradise. Surrounded by sea from all sides, 80% of the country land is only 1 meter above the sea level. However, because of the global warming, the sea level is rising at a speed of 3 millimeters every year; it means Maldives will be submerged by sea in the coming 100-200 years. So many tourists come here just want to see the last sight of the country.
. Challenges
Obviously, vanishing from the world must be the most severe challenge for Maldives, not only for its tourism. The government has taken part in many conferences to appeal other countries to stop global warming and spent much money on buying new lands in other countries such as India and Australia. But these efforts seem not to make much difference and Maldives can’t avoid the destiny of vanishing from the world. To Maldivians,
what they can do is to find a new place to live, and to us tourists, what we can do is to have a visit to this beautiful place and keep it in memory. Of course, to get married or spend honeymoon there will be more perfect. Let the sea and sand be your witness and make your promise before the purest nature!

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