2016 fltrp PM逐字稿

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美国拉斯维加斯地图Motion: THBT the state should establish awards to honor failures in business start-ups.
Prime Minister
    Ladies and gentlemen, in the 21st century, even we have meritocratic society, its still very hard for developing countries to develop. Because they all, more often than not, they need the structural reform to compete against the monopolistic SOEs, and more importantly, to counter against the economic colonialism from developed countries. We see that a lot of people in developing countries are using iphones and wearing western costumes, etc. And this is actually eroding the benefits which the wealth can be generated from domestically. We, we’ve, however weve already seen a lot of countries subsidizing the projects. But, thats not enough.    And, um, as government, we would like to, um, give financial support even after those business start-ups fail for once. And we will hold an, a forum to award them with national award and to have videos or something like that to point out what they have done regardless of the results. And we will have recognition towards their contribution instead of a result. And in, on the forum, there will be people from joint ven
tures, um, and, people from all walks of life. And um, start-ups, the definition of the business start-ups is that they will be licensed as we know, so random start-ups which are not so serious or not that legal are not within the scope of todays debate. And also, those business start-ups should have something new in their ideology. If you start a retail store, we would not like to give you an award. Instead, if you start a grocery store like selling water from fountain, then we are going to give you award.
So, why we are going to impose this policy? Because firstly, we are going to largely increase the economic well-being in society especially for developing countries. We see, um, innovation is what we see the most powerful wealth creator in the society nowadays. (POI from OO) Sorry, later. You just need an idea and sometimes a cool garage and you can draw amounts which generate money for a century. You can start a monopoly software company. In that garage and you can, like, enjoy the generating wealth for your country. Developed countries have benefited a lot from the power of those, um, of those powerful ideas. So, why developing countries can not? Because the problem in the developing countries is that, too often , people can, do not have the courage to start their 漳州火山岛住一晚多少钱
businesses,because, its not like, um, in line with their social norm, right? Like, people in developing countries suffering long time from the, like, lower living condition than their counterparts in developed countries. They will feel less, um, less gut to start their own, own companies. Instead they see the powerful MNCs, or powerful SOEs, they tend to be an employee in those, um, in those companies.(POI from CO) So before I move on, upper house.(POI from OO: Maam, please tell us what do you exactly mean by owner failures of those failures in start-up businesses.) The failure, that is gonna be expanded in my speech later.
And the problem, um, we see, um, so the problem is that those people they are free of the failure and more often than not, they believe that it四川即将发生9级地震是真的s very hard for them to succeed without the support from the government. Its very hard for them to compete against those SOEs and MNCs in the society. However, with this award, they have some more financial support from the government, but more importantly, they are recognized as heroes, as elites in the society, as long as they can generate something new, like, they can make contribution to the society. So, this will increase the chances for us to have that
talent pool into the track to innovate and to start a businesses and generate ideas instead of limiting their mindset into that regular track to be an employee.
And besides, we are decreasing the chance that people give up immediately, um, after they fail for once. Why is that so? We see that if we have the forum, and we have audience adults for them to see their contribution. Those people from joint venture or those people with money will more, um, will have more interests in their ideas. And more importantly, um, those, um, people from all walks of life will recognize国内订酒店最优惠的app their contribution, and this will increase their motivation to, like, again, like, start again after their failure.
The chance for failure for those new, business new start is very high. Why is that so? Because, you see, maybe the costumer is not, the costumer space is not that large for the time being. And maybe, um, maybe your product is not perfect enough, but you still have space to improve. We dont want to see that those valuable ideas to be killed in the cradle before they have, um, before they have succeed.
In 全国疫情最新公布comparison, we are offering that national award and a forum for them to show their, lik
e, contributions, and give them more incentives financially and spiritually for them to go on. And secondly, the government wants to change social discourse towards failure especially in developing countries.
We see that developing countries, um, people in developing countries tend to be less courageous than the people in developed, um, counterpart in developed countries. Why is that so? Because, people have been suffering more from the poor living condition, etc. 本地旅游团一日游And in the society, people are only focusing on the result, and that result is like a label on you, regardless of what you been doing before the result. And we see that this label will more often than not be eternal lines by the stakeholder himself when the society has always been telling him that youre just a failure, youre just a loser, and you cannot succeed, go back to be an employee in your company.
Meritocracy maybe sometimes increases social mobility, but it also justifies the unjustifiable comparison. Like, regardless of what you been dealing, we only judge a person based on your result. With this award, when the government is positively recogniz
ing the huge contribution from the courageous and from the social minded, um, innovators in the society. And we can see that we will change social discourse, like, change peoples opinion, how they judge a person. Um, we want people to judge a person as a whole instead of judging the person based on the result. So what the government has been telling you is that the government side is the side which really cares about the economic well-being and mental well-being of the people in the society. Based on this, very proud to propose.

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