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The 2022 World Cup (official name: 2022 FIFA English World Cup Brazil) is the International Football Association twentieth session of the World Cup football match, will be in June 12, 2022 to July 13th in Brazil, the 12 city in the 12 seat stadium, by 32 teams from around the world will participate in the games, 64 games, to determine the winner team.
In March 7, 2022, the International Football Association announced
the 2022 World Cup will be held in South America, following the 1930 1950, 1962, and 1978 in Urugua
y, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, fifth times in the South American World Cup, this is also since 1950 Brazil has once again become the host country, will become the focus of world attention event. On 17 August, South American Football Association voted Brazil the only fighting for the right to host countries. Even so, President of the International Football Association Blatter once said that the football Brazil does not conform to standard, and suggest that Argentina and Chile joint bid. In addition to Brazil, Columbia once in 2022 to apply, but in 2022 April 11 to the international soccer association wrote to express the application for withdrawal, means that the World Cup bid to become Brazil”s palm. In October 30, 2022, the International Football Association announced in Zurich the 2022 Soccer World Cup will be held in Brazil, which is sponsored by Brazil again following the 1950 Soccer World Cup, and last from five continents to take turns to hold a session.
The 2022 South Africa World Cup Germany to England Oolong decision event, President of the International Football Association Blatter said at the event will enable the sensor system to assist the referee law enforcement, reduce error events.

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