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(  )1. A. pale      金华旅游地图  B.bad              C. tired
江西武功山 (  ) 2. A. winter        B.autumn            C.summer
(  )3.A.brighter        B.bigger            C.larger
(  ) 4.A.has a cold      B.has a stomachache  C.has a fever
(  ) ke            B.cold water        C.milk
(  ) 6.A.4:15p.m        B.4:45p.m          C.5:15p.m
(  )7. A.the strongest      B.the shortest      C.the heaviest
(  )8. A.hot and sunny    B.cold and windy    C.cool and rain
(  )9. A.e-mail each other  B.sit on the sofa    C.take your card
(  )10.A.26℃to 33℃    B. 28℃ to 35℃    C.29℃ to 38℃
(  )1.A.More than 30 metres.    B.Over 150 tons.  C. About 60 years.
(  )  2.A.Because he can swim and eat ice cream.
        B.Because he can fly.
        C.Because he can ski and make snowmen.
(  ) 3.A.At home        B. At jimmy's        C. At Guangzhou Restaurant
(  ) 4.A.By school bus.    B. On foot.          C.By underground.
(  ) 5.A.It's only 0℃.    B.It's only 9℃.      C.It's only 8℃.
(  )6.A.He has a fever.    B.He has a cold.      C.He has a stomachache.
(  )7.A.She should take more exercise.      B.She should go to bed earlier.
      C.She should hand in her homework on time.
1.We shouldn't have too many_____________.
2.It's raining. Don't forget to take your____________.
3.I think the names of the food are______________.
4.Lily___________goes to bed at nine o'clock.
5.I feel tired. I have a _________.
6.Tom's favourite animal is the__________.
7.Fruit-vegetables, cereals and milk foods are very __________for us.
1.Kangaroos are from Australia.
2.A kangaroo has only two legs.
3.Kangaroos are good at jumping.
4.Kangaroos can jump fourteen metres long and five metres high.
5.Kangaroos like eating plants and meat.
6.Kangaroos seldom come out to eat in the afternoon.
1. A.yesterday      B. sunny      C.windy        D.cloudy
2. A.throw          B.ski          C.seldom        D.wake
3. A.beef          B.peach        C.pork          D.chicken
4. A.August        B.month        C.December    D.July
5. A.music          B.science        C.subject      D.art
6. A.well          B.large          C.bright        D.short
1.____________Sally___________lunch at the school canteen?
  has          have          after
2.Li Hong___________up early in the morning.
  A.gets              B.get                C.wake
3.Dicks sister seldom___________.
  A.takes exercise      B.take an exercise      C.take exercise
4.Jiamin shouldn霞浦嵛山岛旅游攻略t ____________.
  A.eat plenty of vegetables        B.read for a long time every night
  C.hand in his homework on time
5.Whats the__________in Guangzhou today?  Its 30℃.
  A.weather            B.temperature          C.season
6.Of all animals in the world, cheetahs run__________.
  A.fastest            B.faster                C.fast
7.My mother___________than me.
  A.gets up earlier      B.get up early          C.gets up earliest
8.Tim and Tom are my friends__________Canada.
  A.to                B.from                C.for
9.This music room is_________better than the old one.
  A.more              B.many                C.much
10.Vegetables are good __________us.
  A.with              B.of                  C.for
11.There___________any bread on the plate.
  A.is                B.are                  C.isnt
张家界5名游客被杀12.Whats the matter with you?__________.
  A.I feel ill.            B.Im happy.            D.Nothing for me.
A.The boy usually practises the piano for an hour every day.
B. The boy gets up late on Sunday.
C. The boy has a headache and he feels badly.
D. Which do you prefer, pasta or pizza? I prefer pizza.
E. The children are making a snowman now.
F. We should eat many vegetables every day.
G. Itll rain soon. We cant go out.
H. Its hot and sunny today.
I. The boy eats too many sweets, so he has a toothache.
J. The children always go to school by schoolbus at twenty to eight.
1. Guangzhou is __________(著名)for delicious food.

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