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Yuntai Mountain is situated in Xiuwu County, about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) from Jiaozuo City, Henan Province.
象鼻山在哪里This mountain is among the first group from all over the world that received the title of World Geologic Park from UNESCO in 2004..It is also the only famous scenic area in Henan Province having the titles of National 5A Grade Tourist Attraction, National Forest Park, National Geologic Park, National Water Conservancy Scenic Area and National Macaque Natural Reserve.天池山风景区门票价格
Covered with verdant virgin forest, Yuntai Mountain is famous for its imposing mountain and water sceneries. The picturesque peaks and high mountains extend as far as the eyes can see. The highest Cornel山茱萸 Peak has an elevation of 1,304 meters (4,278 feet). Myriad springs, waterfalls and pools abound. Yuntai Waterfall, 314 meters (1,030 feet) high, is the highest waterfall in China. Deep valleys and quiet gorges, unique stones and wild flowers form a beautiful landscape.
The sceneries of Yuntai Mountain change with the seasons. In spring, the mountain is de
corated by wild flowers and green grasses. In summer, the luxuriant virgin forests and beautiful waterfalls make it an excellent resort. In autumn, leaves turn fiery red and the mountain looks like a colorful coat. Seen from a distance, Yuntai Waterfall is like a pillar connecting the sky and earth. In winter, snow turns the mountain into a white world of ice waterfall, ice pillar and evergreen plants covered with snow. This is a typical winter sight in northern China. 
大连免费开放的博物馆Yuntai Mountain has long been recognized as a popular tourist resort throughout history. Many famous visitors in history left their stone inscriptions and steles here, enriching its cultural value.
Eleven Scenic Areas in Yuntai Mountain
Occupying an area of 190 square kilometers (46,950 acres), Yuntai Mountain has eleven scenic areas: Red Stone Gorge, Tanpu Gorge, Quanpu Gorge, Cornel Peak, Wanshan Temple, Baijia Cliff, Zifang Lake, Macaque Valley, Qinglong Gorge, Fenglin Gorge and Diecai Cave. Each has its own unique features and beauty.
Red Stone Gorge (Hongshi Gorge)
Red Stone Gorge is a valley with steep cliffs of red rocks standing straight up on both sides. It is the geologic relic of a crustal mo vement that took place 1.4 billion years ago, and rare Danxia landform in northern China. This gorge gathers many springs, waterfalls, streams, pools and gullies, so it is named 'the corridor of superfine landscape' by garden experts. The south side of the gorge is so narrow that it is only one thread wide. Towering cliffs stand facing each other as a gate and torrents scour a gully down the cliffs. Here the White Dragon Waterfall is divided into three sections and drops in level of about 50 meters (164 feet). Myriad springs and waterfalls dash against cliffs, making numerous colorful beads in sunlight like a natural fresco. White stalactites that grow in the quartz sandstones become simple and elegant under the red cliffs. Two emersed red stones look as if two lovers are locked together in a long kiss. Nine dragon pools make a stream whose water is so limpid that many beautiful stones can be seen clearly.
蓟县黄崖关长城白洋淀景区简介Cornel Peak
Cornel Peak is the highest peak of Yuntai Mountain, which is about 1,308 meters (4,291 feet) above sea level. The great poet of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Wang Wei, wrote a famous verse 'One misses the relatives the most in holidays' on Cornel Peak. Following ascent of thousands of steps of scaling ladder and plank road built along a cliff to this peak, visitors can see the Taihang Mountain in the north. Lofty mountains extends as far as eyes can see. Also the vast plain in the south, the crisscross fields which appear like a chessboard and the ribbon-like Yellow Rivercan be seen. In a word, the scenery is magnificent from this peak, making people deeply feel the poetic imagery of this line 'seen from the skyscraping peak, other mountains appear to be dwarfed', a line written by Du Fu, the 'Poet Saint' of the Tang Dynasty.
大明寺Tanpu Gorge (Xiaozhai Valley)
Among the landscape gallery of Yuntai Mountain, Tanpu Gorge is nature's masterpiece. It is famous for 'a spring in three steps, a waterfall in five steps and a pool in ten steps'. The water scenery in this valley is imposing with mountains and unique rocks. Located in the
north of Yuntai Mountain, the 1,270 meters (1,389 yards) long gorge travels from south to north. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains at both sides rise skyward in an elegant shape. The still waters in Duxian Pond run deep and the water there is as green as an emerald. It is said that people can become immortal by drinking its water. The lover waterfall falls at three different levels and in each level, two waterfalls blend into a pond as if two sweethearts whisper. A Y-shaped waterfall hangs between two mountains with a drop of more than 10 meters (32.8 feet). Here many deep pools are formed by the cascading waters. Moreover, there is a natural water-curtain cave with crystal beads hanging before the cave. In summer and autumn, bamboo rafting is held here. In the Xiaozhai Valley Square, tourists can see shadowboxing show for free.

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