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Chimelong Safari Park, also known as Chimelong Wild Animal World, is a renowned wildlife park located in Guangzhou, China. The park covers an area of over 2,000,000 square meters and is home to over 20,000 animals from 500 different species. It is one of the largest zoos in China and attracts millions of visitors annually.潍坊一日游最佳景点
菲律宾的华人小心了Chimelong Safari Park is an ideal destination for families and animal lovers. Visitors can explore the park by car, bus, or walking to experience the wildlife habitat. The park is divided into different areas, such as African Savannah, Asian Rainforest, Australian Outback, and Polar Region. Each area has its own unique set of animals, including lions, zebras, elephants, tigers, giant pandas, koalas, penguins, and many more.
云南西双版纳旅游线路12306网上订火车票查询订单One of the park's most popular attractions is the Safari Adventure. This 8-kilometer-long self-driving tour allows visitors to get close-up with animals such as white rhinoceroses, giraffes, ostriches, wildebeests, and antelopes. Visitors can see how these animals live in their natural habitat, learn about their behaviors and habitats, and take amazing photos.
Another must-see attraction of Chimelong Safari Park is the Golden Elephant Show, which exemplifies the intelligence of elephants in a fun and educational show. The show features star elephants performing various tricks, such as playing basketball and balancing on a ball.
The park also hosts animal performances, such as the Dolphin Show and the Circus Show, which are popular among visitors of all ages. These shows showcase the unique talents of dolphins, sea lions, tigers, and other animals.
Chimelong Safari Park is dedicated to animal conservation and education, and it has established cooperation and exchange programs with various global zoos, such as San Diego Zoo, Hong Kong Ocean Park, and Singapore Zoo. The park has also set up conservation programs to protect endangered species, including the African elephant, the giant panda, and the Siberian tiger. Visitors can learn about the wildlife conservation efforts and participate in activities such as panda feeding and koala hugging to support these efforts.
In conclusion, Chimelong Safari Park is an impressive wildlife park that offers a unique experience to visitors. From the self-drive tours to the animal shows, the park provides an educational and entertaining experience for visitors while highlighting the importance of wildlife conservation.

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