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San ya Seafood Surrounded by the South China Sea's abundant seafood resources, San ya boasts some great restaurants serving up good fresh seafood. Added to this, there are two huge fisheries he re, the Be铜仁大峡谷 bu wan Fishery and the South China Sea Fishery.
There are numerous seafood restaurants in San ya and the Chinese restaurant in the Gloria Re sort in Ya long Bay is especially good. The Lu海南天气预报15天三亚 h u it ou Restaurant and F u q u an Restaurant are among the most famous in the area serving up some nice local specialties. In the city itself, 苏州景区免费景点 Z h en men Road has some great little seafood joints, cooking up cheap yet tasty dishes.
Abalone, sea cucumber and other exotic foods are common dishes served in restaurants he re, and a visit to the port area in the city center is testament to the incredible wealth and freshness of the food here.

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