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景德镇旅游景点必去    疫情时期的别样球赛:纸板人当观众
    As sports resume, some fans will be made of cardboard”
    When Major League Baseball kicks off its abridged season this month, its fan base is going to look dramatically different and they won’t be nearly as loud.
    That’s because teams like the Oakland Athletics, San Francisco Giants and a handful of others will be filling their stands with cardboard cutouts of fans. The trend, which we first sa
w in European soccer leagues, has now made its way to the United States.
    When MLB returns after a lost spring due to coronavirus, fans will not be permitted in the stands. That has forced teams to look for creative solutions to recoup in-stadium revenue and create fan engagement.
    recoup[rɪˈkuːp]: vt. 收回;恢复
    The A’s announced the start of the “Coliseum Cutouts” program on Monday, which allows fans to put their image on an 18 x 30 cardboard cutout and for the chance to see their cutout appear on television. In 24 hours, the A’s said they have already sold 1,000 “season tickets” for the cardboard cutouts.
    Response has been extremely strong,” Oakland A’s president Dave Kaval told CNBC in an interview. “People are especially interested in the foul ball dunk, where if your cutout gets hit, we send you the authenticated ball to your house.”
    The price of cutouts varies by team, but in Oakland, prices start at $49 and go up to $129, depending on location in the stands.
    The fine print says that commercial advertisements, slogans, websites and social medi
a handles will not be permitted on the cutouts. Offensive or negative references and names of MLB players are also prohibited.
    The A’s said the cutouts will remain in the ballpark for the 2022 regular season and fans will have the option to take home their cutout as a souvenir when the season ends. The A’s do not guarantee the condition of cutouts from weather and other elements. 珠海长隆海洋王国攻略自助游攻略
康辉国旅    Kaval said that there’s also a visual component to having cardboard fans at the ballpark.
    It has a better feel for the broadcast experience versus seeing empty stands, so I think you will see more and more teams adopt something like this, not only for the fan engagement but for the broadcast experience,” he said.
    The Oakland A’s are letting their fans be at their ballparks virtually with its Coliseum Cutouts program. Source: Oakland A’s.
    The San Francisco Giants are running a similar cardboard cutout program for season ticket holders, which they plan to open to the public beginning on Monday. The Giants plan to put the images of the season ticket holders in their actual seat locations. 阿根廷
    旧金山巨人队也向季票持有者推出了类似的纸板人项目,他们方案从周一开头向公众开放。巨人队方案将季票持有者的纸板人放在他们的实际座位上。 八大处灵光寺
    The Oakland Athletics said their Coliseum Cutout program is not designed to make mo
ney for the organization, but to raise money for local charities that have been impacted by Covid-19.
    The San Francisco Giants said it’s less about the money and more of a fun way to engage with its fans.
    The Giants are charging $99 for their program and are providing the cutouts to season ticket holders that have agreed to roll their money to next season.
    Yet in Germany, Bundesliga’s Borussia Mönchengladbach sold 23,000 cutouts, accordi
ng to Be At the Game, the company behind the program. With an average price of $26, that’s about $600,000 in revenue.

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