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大连海边哪里好玩的地方Bashan Grand Canyon, formerly known as "Xuanhan Baili Gorge", is located in Xuanhan County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, is a national AAAA-level tourist scenic spot, a national geological park, a provincial nature reserve, a mountain canyon-type natural scenic spot composed of karst karst landforms, and a national intangible cultural heritage Tujia grass gong and drum.
Bashan Grand Canyon is a karst landform, the six major mountains support the ten main peaks, the scenic area has a long history, and there are many historical sites. There are sites such as General Ping, Running Horse Liang, Tethered Horse Stone, Datong Dangerous Road and Shidu Trail left by Fan Duotun soldiers stationed in the late Qin and early Han Dynasties, as well as ruins such as Qinglong Zhai and Dazhaizi left by Zhang Xia
nzhong and the White Lotus Sect.
Bashan Grand Canyon has a peculiar mountainous terrain, the backwater is clear, the caves are flocked, there are many and precious animals, and the plants are rich and rare; Surrounded by mountains and waters, deep valleys, peaks into the clouds, harmony and perfection. There are ten major scenic spots of the Hundred Beasts Gathering, Fairy Rock, Guanyin Cave, South Heavenly Gate, Erlong Flying Waterfall, Old Huangshan Mountain, Rhinoceros Wangyue, First Line Of Heaven, Panlong Cave, and Rooster Mingtian, which have their own characteristics, are self-contained, and reflect each other, complementing each other, constituting a perfect and harmonious whole of the scenic 300-mile gorge.

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